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Comment the report tells us why (Score 4, Informative) 1003

from TFA:

4. The absence of a timely brake application, the cellular provider records indicating frequent texting while driving, the temporal proximity of the last incoming text message to the collision, and the witness statement regarding the driver's actions indicate that the GMC pickup driver was most likely distracted from the driving task by a text messaging conversation at or near the time of the accident.

9 The GMC pickup driver was fatigued at the time of the accident due to cumulative sleep debt and acute sleep loss, which could have resulted in impaired cognitive processing or other performance decrements.

And that's why texting while driving is bad, boys and girls. And not getting enough sleep will, apparently, make you stupid enough to do it.

Comment Re:Good advice .. but check your contract (Score 1) 516

Unless he signed a contract that states everything he writes 24x7 belongs to the company, then anything NOT a "work for hire" belongs to him, not his employer. This is predicated on the huge assumption he's not writing things at home via cut-n-paste from work. Many companies will have you sign something giving them title to anything you patent, but copyrights aren't usually included in those, YMMV.

Comment bonuses are not the problem (Score 1) 548

and the profession clearly doesn't understand the current financial industry, where bonuses are really just deferred compensation, not really rewards in the sense that bonuses are in other industries. Both the economy and society would be much better off to not focus on bonuses but instead to actually punish corporations for not managing risk, for ignoring long-term harm in the face of perceived short-term gain.

Comment Re:if they are smart, there are better opportuniti (Score 1) 315

I was, using math as a guideline, trying to say that if someone in high school is considering CS, they should really first consider something like physics or chemistry or engineering; and if they cannot handle doing the math for any of those fields, they should reconsider why they are looking at CS.

Comment if they are smart, there are better opportunities (Score 1) 315

If they have an aptitude for math, they should look at "harder" sciences than CS, because there's not enough college students studying those right now, so there will be a shortage by the time they are employable. If they cannot do the math then they need to reevaluate why they are looking at CS in the first place.

Comment Protest is in the news & has a goal (Score 5, Informative) 961

You can find links on google's new page, like this one: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-27/wall-street-protesters-joined-by-susan-sarandon.html

The protesters are actually fairly well organized with planned events, a voting process for making immediate decisions, and a goal of getting Obama to acknowledge the wealth gap and appointing a commission to recommend actions for dealing with it.

The "traditional" media is indeed ignoring it. There's an on-going debate on twitter about whether or not the twitter admins are actively suppressing the #occupywallstreet hash-tag from trending.

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