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Comment Re:Hahaha, good one. (Score 5, Insightful) 1124

"socialism" doesn't mean what the bulk of americans (ie "you") think it means. Most of Europe, Canada and South America are "socialist". We say "socialism" and you hear "communist dictatorship" which is something completely, completely different.

Sort of like how "liberal" is slanderous to you guys... so weird.

Stop thinking in black & white, flush the cold-war era propaganda from your mind, and you'll find there are some excellent lessons to be learned from a system not driven wholy by greed.

Comment Re:That's what abortions are for ... (Score 1) 194

A huge problem though is in deeming what is "defective". The fact that a gene exists in any significant part of the population beyond what you'd expect given random mutation, implies that it must have (or had) a reproductive benefit. For example, some jewish people have a gene that makes them slightly more succeptable to Tay-Sachs disease, which is an almost certainly deadly recessive trait. However, being a carrier for it grants immunity to Cholera, which would have been advantageous for a population that has been living in disease-ridden ghettos for millennia. Another deadly recessive trait is sickle-cell anemia. Being heterozygous for this trait still has non- life-threatening symptoms, but also the benefit of malaria immunity. Not surprisingly, sickle-cell anemia is prevalent in tropical african populations.

My point is, by weeding these genes out we create a monoculture of humans that will be less able to adapt evolutionarily to new diseases and environmental stress. Genetic diversity is a natural safety mechanism for species, as any agriculture expert will tell you.

Comment Re:Berne convention? (Score 5, Interesting) 648

I'll be really surprised if Apple doesn't agree to simply make a deal with Psystar to manufacture clones for a licensing fee. It isn't that radical - Apple licensed Mac clones back in the late 80s - early 90s (see ). My uneducated guess is that Psystar has been negotiating for a licensing agreement for a long time, and then calculated that an outright court battle would land them a better deal than paying the fees initially suggested by Apple.

That or they're a fly-by-night outfit.

Comment Re:It's a deformed child, not a moral trophy (Score 1) 170

Call me an idealist (though most would call me the opposite) but... wouldn't it be better if we could use our capacity as a "rational species" to handle our own population issues? I'm hoping we can. If not, we'll hit the point where deaths = births fairly quickly anyhow. No need for your plague - this'll be equally unpleasant.

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