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Comment Re:Berne convention? (Score 5, Interesting) 648

I'll be really surprised if Apple doesn't agree to simply make a deal with Psystar to manufacture clones for a licensing fee. It isn't that radical - Apple licensed Mac clones back in the late 80s - early 90s (see ). My uneducated guess is that Psystar has been negotiating for a licensing agreement for a long time, and then calculated that an outright court battle would land them a better deal than paying the fees initially suggested by Apple.

That or they're a fly-by-night outfit.

Comment Re:It's a deformed child, not a moral trophy (Score 1) 170

Call me an idealist (though most would call me the opposite) but... wouldn't it be better if we could use our capacity as a "rational species" to handle our own population issues? I'm hoping we can. If not, we'll hit the point where deaths = births fairly quickly anyhow. No need for your plague - this'll be equally unpleasant.

Comment Re:Space for love? Sure. (Score 1) 186

This came across as a surprisingly weird thing for a scientist to say. It is generally understood that pre-agricultural societies had far more free time than we do. It is also generally accepted that "love" is a manifestation of our natural pair-bonding instinct (which is now filtered, admittedly, through the modern notion of "romantic love" which has been around since the late middle ages). The quote seems to imply that we're not sure if they had gotten around to having emotions yet, which is rather rediculous.

Comment Re:I Just Took A Huge Shit (Score 1) 905

Thanks. As a GPL user, I also cringed at that comment. RMS's only real mistake is turning the GPL into an ideology. Ideologies only serve to polarize people. It's freaking SOFTWARE for crying out loud.

Having said that, I don't like when people rip me off, and I don't like it when people take credit for my work. The GPL prevents that, while the BSD license does not.

Comment Re:Nothing new under the sun... (Score 1) 193

You know, i'd figure this to be true, but I am NOT one of those people... and I loved both GOW games (just finished 2 yesterday).

My other favorites are the Civilizations, Zeldas and Final Fantasies, although I am a fan of well-done games period. And Gears are very, very well done games. Yes, they're on-rails shooters, and yes the characters are super-macho. But damn do they get the heat of combat down straight, and the pacing and strategy (yes, there is strategy) are just perfectly tuned.

Comment Re:Duh. (Score 1) 1601

The thing is, reality often has a bias. Sometimes the media tries to create an artificial one, to great detriment (see: the "controversy" over global warming when in fact there really isn't one.)

Maybe there was just more bad stuff to say about McCain (and particularly his VP pick). Or maybe they were easy on Obama, this is also possible, granted.


Dan Geer On Trusting PCs In Botnets 301

walk*bound writes "In an essay published by ZDNet, security scientist Dan Geer has an interesting proposal for e-commerce sites to evaluate the trustworthiness of clients that try to connect. Assume that end users either always say 'Yes' or always say 'No' to security dialog boxes. Then make the decision one of two ways: 'When the user connects, ask whether they would like to use your extra special secure connection. If they say "Yes," then you presume that they always say "Yes" and thus they are so likely to be infected that you must not shake hands with them without some latex between you and them. In other words, you should immediately 0wn their machine for the duration of the transaction — by, say, stealing their keyboard away from their OS and attaching it to a special encrypting network stack all of which you make possible by sending a small, use-once rootkit down the wire at login time, just after they say "Yes."'"

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