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Comment Everything crosses the galactic plane. (Score 1) 95

| That expansive area crosses the luminous plane of the Milky Way, which might have helped Planet Nine hide from previous searches.

Doesn't every orbit around our sun cross the plane of the Milky Way?
Although something slow moving and hiding the the denser parts could be a reason we haven't noticed it.

Comment Re:Missing mass? (Score 1) 44

I think people underestimate how much matter has been ejected during solar system formation. Think of the delicate balance of planet orbits we have now. I heard this week, if Mercury's orbit was shifted by just a few inches, it could possibly be ejected over time. So, how much mass has the solar system lost since its formation? Let alone small concentrations of dust that were not enough to form a star and solar system. My notably unscientific thoughts on this are that the amount of unlit matter in the universe is many times the mass of what we can observe. I realize dark matter has some qualities that don't fit with baryonic matter, but I wonder how much we underestimate the sheer quantity of baryonic matter between stars and galaxies.

Comment Re: Wuhan Institute of Virology (Score 4, Interesting) 227

I think it has nothing to do with weaponizing, and everything to do with researchers from that lab going out and collecting the specific kinds of bats that carry these variants of virus. It would be super easy for someone to catch it from a bat you are taking blood samples from, and unknowingly spread it to friends, coworkers, and family. That the WHO had always dismissed it with a strawman argument of not being man-made is somewhat suspicious. That was never the argument from people with any science background. It is that it was probably a mistake of handling a naturally-occuring bat virus.

Comment Re:Ya, but ... (Score 1) 208

Yes. The only reason my kids want to play the games or even know about these games and other products is because they watched someone stream them on YouTube. That's going to have a major impact on the industry. Just think about the new hotness: Among Us. No one would care unless they watched others play it first.

All the artwork within the game is copyrighted and would be in violation. Hell, streaming a picture of a can of Coke is technically publishing a copyrighted artwork.

Comment Re:Lots Water??? (Score 2) 59

Most likely. Below is what one presenter, Casey Honniball, has been working on from her online bio. Another presenter works for NASA's airborne observatory.
So, they probably detected water in some rocks. Not sure how easily extractable it might be.

1/2020 - Present:

NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow
Universities Space Research Association, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Water contents of lunar pyroclastic deposits is under debate due to differences between remote sensing data and Apollo sample measurements. The disagreement stems from the lack of wavelength coverage of current spacecraft data. Using two new data sets and new techniques we will provide better estimates of water and distinguish between OH and H2O. We will perform field studies to sample analog pyroclastic deposits and investigate the accuracy of remote sensing data in estimating the abundance of water in samples. The samples will be used to further develop techniques for distinguishing between OH and H2O.

Comment Re: So negative test couldn't have been flawed? (Score 1) 253

What I found concerning about this report was the sheer number of comments I saw, when I read it first on Facebook, of people saying they *also* had caught COVID twice and it was much worse the second time.
These were people who tested positive, then tested negative for a few months, then positive again and ended up in the hospital.

I know it is anecdotal, but the top 10+ comments were people reporting the same thing. This man may have had genomic testing on the strains to prove it, but it seems like it might be a much more widely occurring event than this official count.
What concerns me is: if people keep getting it again and again, it might never go away. If secondary infections are more serious, what about the third time? And it puts doubts on whether a vaccine will convey lasting immunity.
This doesn't give me warm fuzzies.

Comment Re:I don't see it... (Score 1) 84

In other words, Apple does not own the entire fruit genre of logos as their own just because they are fruit.

Ruh, Roh! The Raspberry Pi Foundation better watch out! Their logo is also a roundish fruit with leaves.
And the WiFi Pineapple folks.

Really, this is why companies should make up silly sounding names and not use actual objects for trademarks. eg. Windows

Comment Re:Updated information (Score 1) 81

Those two genomes look similar by glancing at them, but they are not. Every single line has differences.
Example, Line 1:

1 attaaaggtt tataccttcc caggtaacaa accaaccaac tttcgat
1 atattaggtt tttaccttcc caggtaacaa accaactaac tctcgat

They might be related, but they are not the same.

Here is the family tree to show how it is related to similar viruses:

Comment Re:Simple anwer: Host stuff there! (Score 2) 96

They should not just be a network of relays. They should BE the servers. For files, chat (IRC, Signal), mail, websites, forums, etc.

This project has some of that functionality: Piratebox

I installed it on a battery-powered wifi router with some survival docs, but its battery is dead so it might not be very useful when the SHTF.

Comment Anti-vax sells! (Score 4, Interesting) 324

How many people write and buy pro-vaccination books?
How many people love to write a conspiracy-laden book about evil corporations and doctors, and promise enlightenment by not following that path?

My guess is the latter.

Is that really Amazon's fault that there are more Anti-Vax books than Pro-Vax? My guess is any brick-and-mortar book store would contain the same.

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