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Comment Re: Empathy? (Score 1) 173

While yes it's terrifying it's the fate for a large fraction of all elderly people. This is considered "normal". Most elderly people don't get to enjoy expensive parties and celebrations of ones birthright title on taxpayer funds though.

Comment Re: The FAA is greatly to blame (Score 2) 191

Past generations of Boeing leadership understood the reason they get paid this quarter is from building quality aircraft and not taking shortcuts, where mistakes made 10 years ago will eventually be found.

Current leadership seems to be optimizing for more revenue this quarter. Costs money to be careful, let's get those planes built faster.

Comment Re: April Fool's day? (Score 1) 130

1m of data. And yeah that's still a stupid amount. An entire laundry load worth of events - timestamps for when the machine was started, rpm measurements over time sampled often, pressure and water temp and flow rates - that must be what is in the data.

Yeah 1mb or 14mb is reasonable if the sampling rate is fast enough, 10 Hz or higher, and it's lots of values, and no effort to compress them - every value is 4 byte float/int.

As for why, LG is likely trying to build a ml model to predict when machines will fail and why.

Comment Re: Somebody is lying (Score 1) 303

It's not impossible if there was something about the continental us leading to this happening. I am 99 percent sure this guy is full of shit but wow what would it mean if he isn't and congress orders the FBI to investigate or some other agency with the power to obtain the evidence and records.

Comment Re: fired for truth (Score 1) 149

So yes and no. All fat people can eat less and lose weight, but the willpower required to do so maybe so high it is essentially impossible for some people. I know extremely overweight people who are crazy hungry to eat just about anything all the fucking time.

Drugs like ozempic and other glp-1 agonists fix that shit.

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