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Comment Re:Uhm you care because you might want to use GPL (Score 1) 551

So someone has given you something to use, for free. And you're saying that it's a problem because you don't want to return the favour? If you're going to be so selfish, then don't use it in the first place. Their condition for you to use it was that you help increase the amount of free software available in the world, and you're refusing to do that, and then blaming them because they want to do good, but you don't want to.

If you're going to do that, you might as well just go buy some proprietary libraries and use them and stay away from this whole free software world entirely, you don't really fit in at all.

Comment Re:RMS' GNU license is a license that gives away (Score 1) 551

Right, but since no one else can relicense your software and make a real project using it, it's only non-GPL'd software that's useful to working people. It's the non-GPL stuff that's more free in real usage.

Sorry, but that's stupid and wrong.

Where I work, we can only use free and open source software, preferably GPL. So by releasing your software as proprietary software, you're making it not useful to people like me who earn money by doing things with software.

Comment Re:TL;DR People doesn't understand the Turing test (Score 1) 129

The Turing Test is a thought experiment. It's just saying "if you can talk to this, and can't tell if it's a person or a computer, then it doesn't matter: it's intellegent." It's not a method for a scientific, practical process. It's just something to think about when considering what might constitute intelligence.

Comment Re:What are the practical results of this? (Score 1) 430

Wow, that sounds bad.

I'm in the ... 2nd or 3rd largest city in NZ (it changed a while ago, I think) and have 50Mb cable for NZ$75/mo (I think it's US75 to the NZ$1 at the moment, roughly.) I could pay $10 more and get 100Mb, but I actually don't have a need for that. This is all without the data cap that are still common here, but decreasingly so.

Now, I only have one provider I can use via that cable, and they're not terrible. However I also have DSL as an option, and by law the copper and infrastructure provider can't be in the telecoms retail business. As such, I have no idea how many ISPs I could chose from. Dozens maybe.

The country is also getting fibre put down all over (the central city here has had it for years now through another provider, but now it's coming to houses), but it'll be a fair while before it gets to my place, just due to location. But, 50Mb cable will keep me happy until then.

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