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Comment Re:This Is Lennart's Defense? (Score 3, Informative) 774

The bug report isn't about how something got corrupted. It was about dealing with something that got corrupted. Tieing off the bad thing and starting a new one, and making tools that are robust enough to see past the corruption is totally reasonable. Stopping the corruption in the first place should be a whole different bug report.

Comment Re:No, no. Let's not go there. Please. (Score 1) 937

That might be true where you are, where I live and in the sort of circles I move, atheism is more or less a default, and it's always a bit odd when you discover someone actually goes to church under the age of 50. Given that, it's rarely discussed, because, well, it's hard to discuss. "Still no god?" "Yep. Still no god." "How about that rugby game then?" That's just a bit awkward and unnecessary.

Comment Re:One day battery life in Apple Watch too? (Score 1) 730

Why? What's so much better about taking your watch off every three nights instead of every night?

I use my smartwatch as a sleep tracker, it'd be really annoying if I had to charge it every night. Fortunately it gets days of battery life, so I just top it up every so often and it's fine.

Comment Re:Tight pants (Score 1) 730

Where it'd actually be cool is if it had a 'lack of proximity warning' ... eg, an alert of 'hey, you left your phone' when the two get out or range of each other. Not that it would justify the price (or switching to an iPhone), but it'd be kinda cool, as I just realized I left my phone in my car.

My pebble does this, it'll vibrate to tell me that the link to the phone has broken. It also does other useful things, that's just one of them.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 2) 172

Just to add to what you're saying, thought experiments can be perfectly valid in the physical sciences. Newton had a great one determining that differently weighted things falling will fall at the same speed (all other things being equal.)

If you assume that a light cannon ball will fall slower than a heavy one when you drop them, and then you tie them together, it stands that they must fall at a speed in the middle of what they will each fall at. But tying them together makes them effectively one object, so it'll fall faster.

Given these both cannot be true, everything must fall at the same speed.

This is a nice example (to me) of a though experiment that can provide useful results.

Comment Re: Slippery Slope (Score 1) 186

Why would someone sue google? Google doesn't owe you free speech. They can put up whatever results they way. Only your government owes you free speech, not any corporation that happens to be somewhat American.

By them choosing to not show something, they aren't violating your constitution. They can't, they're not the US government.

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