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Comment Re:The Q-7 (Score 4, Interesting) 165

Am I the only one here who's programmed that beast? Assembly language; Fortran had just been invented. Might fit one into a current Walmart, might not. I recall during our training (LA) we heard of another computer in the city! Had to go talk to those guys across town.

Still cranking out code, at 84.

Whoever you are, Slashdot should interview you about your experiences.

Comment Re:Math? (Score 1) 202

Now if we can only determine the connection between Zuckerberg and Verizon, we can blow this CryptoLocker thing wide open.

Its amazing that this is the only comment that mentioned Verizon math. Maybe I'm not on the right site. This is Slashdot correct?

Comment Re:Tomorrow, not today (Score 2, Interesting) 46

Happy Birthday and exactly, I am also related to someone whose birthday is tomorrow, which is how I also remember it. Its amazing how with so much information at people's fingertips that they keep eroding facts.

Tomorrow is also the 30th anniversary of Richard Stallman announcing the FSF/GNU initiative.

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It is better to never have tried anything than to have tried something and failed. - motto of jerks, weenies and losers everywhere
