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Comment Re:The irony being (Score 1) 187

But there is no denying that when rich people hoard too much for themselves, the sheer fact that they are hoarding it denies it to others who need it, leaving them without any way to earn it, and that harm is evil.

If they were hoarding food or shelter or other necessities you might have a point, but no one needs money for its own sake. It's just a medium of exchange. If a portion is taken out of circulation the remainder just becomes that much more valuable, and the amount of goods which can be purchased with the part still in circulation remains the same.

Not, of course, that the wealthy are actually hoarding money in any meaningful sense. Their wealth takes the form of capital investments, which they earn a return on by producing things other people want.

Comment Re:This outta drive a few nails into the cloud cof (Score 1) 29

So the EU starts talking about cutting off Russia, and the United States is the bad guy?

This isn't about the EU vs. the US, but rather about being vulnerable to sanctions along the lines of what the EU is proposing at the hands of any foreign government. The EU may be the one acting right now, but it could just as easily be the US next time (AWS and Azure have already cut off certain Russian customers... voluntarily, for now). A smart company at risk of being targeted will not wait until after they've been formally sanctioned to address this vulnerability.

Comment Re:Figures Alito dissented (Score 1) 86

The Bill of Rights (first ten amendments) were written and ratified around the same time as the main Constitution and intended to be a part of it from the beginning. They are, in effect, part of "the original document" despite technically being amendments. Even the later amendments went through the prescribed ratification process and obtained the endorsement of a supermajority of the states, which puts them far above any bills passed by Congress, much less mere reinterpretation of the Constitution (as amended) contrary to the original intent to suit either modern sensibilities or the whims of the current administration.

Comment Re:That is reasonable (Score 1) 106

Yes, that's correct. The Haskell runtime works primarily through a "mutator" task (or tasks, in the multithreaded case) which replaces unevaluated thunks with their results as they are needed, "forcing" them to Weak Head Normal Form or WHNF—basically a known data constructor (head) with possibly-unevaluated fields. (Normal Form or NF would additionally have fields recursively evaluated to Normal Form.)

This process is invisible to the code, except that there are ways to make it happen early as a performance or memory-use optimization. For example, "x `seq` y" which says "when it comes time to evaluate y, evaluate x first but ignore the result"; usually y would include a reference to x, but not in a way which would get evaluated immediately, and x names some expression which references a large data structure but summarizes it into a much smaller result. If it weren't evaluated early the thunk for x would prevent the referenced data structure from being garbage-collected. Another use case for forcing early evaluation would be benchmarks, where you want to measure the time to produce the entire result, not just a thunk which would evaluate to the result. Also, sometimes knowing that a value should be evaluated strictly can also help the compiler to produce more efficient code through inlining or other optimizations.

Comment Re:That is reasonable (Score 1) 106

Though I don't honestly understand your comment about linear/memoisation vs exponential. Zipwith is basically talk recursive, so linear time and tail is constant?

The reason the first version is exponential (in most languages, including Haskell) is that it evaluates "fib n" repeatedly. If you save the results (memoize) so that you only evaluate "fib n" once for each "n" then becomes linear (assuming the memoization itself is constant-time). The second version does this by arranging the results into the list "fibs" where the n-th element of the list is "fib n". In the expression "1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)", the result of "zipWith" starts at index n = 2 while "fibs" starts at index n = 0 and "tail fibs" starts at index n = 1, so this is equivalent to "fibs !! 0 = 1; fibs !! 1 = 1; fibs !! n = (fibs !! n - 2) + (fibs !! n - 1)"—just as in the first version. The difference is that each result is kept in the list once it's been computed and not re-evaluated each time it's referenced, so the number of additions is linear with respect to "n".

Going into a bit more detail, since Haskell uses lazy evaluation at first the list just consists of thunks (unevaluated expressions). (This technically includes the "next" or "tail" pointers as well as the list elements, which is why we can define "fibs" as an infinite list, but I'll ignore that for now.) When you evaluate "fibs !! n" it first evaluates "fibs !! n - 2" and "fibs !! n - 1", adds them, and then mutates the list entry to store the evaluated result in place of the original thunk. Of course the recursive calls also store their results before returning, so when "fibs !! n - 1" needs "fibs !! n - 2" that result is already available and doesn't need to be reevaluated. (Note that I'm just using "fibs !! n" as shorthand for "the n-th element of fibs" here; we don't actually walk the list from the start each time. We step through the output of zipWith once, and zipWith steps through its inputs "fibs" and "tail fibs" once each in parallel, making this part linear-time.)

The scope of "fibs" here is a particular call to "fib n" so it can be garbage-collected once we have our result. If you moved the definition of "fibs" to the top level then it would avoid re-evaluation across multiple calls, at the cost of keeping the evaluated part of the list in memory for the duration of the program.

You could also use an array instead of a list, since there is a known upper bound on the number of elements needed for a given "n"; this would be more typical of the "dynamic programming" approach to memoization, but in Haskell it's a bit longer, and with list fusion optimizations the array isn't necessarily more efficient. The result would look like:

fib n = fib' n
____fib' 0 = 1
____fib' 1 = 1
____fib' m = (fibs ! (m - 2)) + (fibs ! (m - 1))
____fibs = listArray (0, n - 1) (map fib' [0..])

Where fib' looks a lot like the first recursive definition, except that it refers to the array rather than calling itself directly. (But keep in mind that "fibs ! n" is just a particular instance of "fib' n", so it's still recursive. The difference is that the result is stored in the array and not discarded.)

This can easily be generalized for any recursive function with a parameter suited for use as an array index:

memoize :: Ix i => (i, i) -> ((i -> a) -> i -> a) -> i -> a
memoize bounds f = let arr = listArray bounds (map (f (arr !)) (range bounds)) in (arr !)

-- abstract out the recursive calls
fib fib' 0 = 1
fib fib' 1 = 1
fib fib' n = fib' (n - 2) + fib' (n - 1)

naiveFib n = fix fib n

memoizedFib n = memoize (0, n) fib n

Which can then be used as the basis for all kinds of dynamic programming solutions.

Comment Re:That is reasonable (Score 1) 106

To me, the basic recursive version (exponential time without more machinery!) is one of the least elegant solutions.

The simple recursive definition:

fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n - 2) + fib (n - 1)

... is an elegant definition, but not the most efficient or elegant evaluation strategy. However, this is also a simple recursive form:

fib n = fibs !! n where fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

... and in a lazy-by-default language like Haskell it would be evaluated in linear time, not exponential, due to implicit memoization.

Of course the most efficient version would have to be the closed form:

fib n = round (((1 + sqrt 5) / 2)**(n + 1) / sqrt 5)

... at least up to n > 70, where rounding error starts to interfere due to the use of IEEE FP intermediate values. Using the CReal type from the numbers package for the intermediate expression this gives correct answers up to at least n = 2000, and probably well beyond, though it becomes very slow due to the expensive math operations. (The recursive lazy list version is much faster, even for n = 200000.) However, this doesn't serve as a very instructional comparison of recursion vs. iteration.

Comment Re: Uhh huh, sure they are... (Score 1) 406

The problem isn't the signals. US civilian-grade (exportable) GPS receivers have limitations on speed and altitude to prevent them from being used in ICBMs which aren't present in military-grade units. Of course in principle that's just a software issue, so they might be able to work around it with some reprogramming while continuing to use the same hardware. Also, as an export restriction, those limits may not apply to receivers designed and manufactured outside the US.

The COCOM Limits only apply when traveling at speeds above 1,000 knots and/or altitudes above 18 kilometers, so you wouldn't encounter these limits while traveling in a standard passenger plane. It can be an issue for high-altitude balloons and similar projects, depending on how the manufacturer chose to interpret the conditions ("and" or "or").

Comment Re:Bill Text (Score 1) 406

It's not going to pass, so it doesn't really matter. And even if it did the "retroactive effect" portion specifically targeting Disney would almost certainly be struck down as an illegal bill of attainder. But in a situation like this where a treaty mandates something against the people's interests—such as over-long copyright terms in the case of the Berne Convention—the right answer would be to withdraw from the treaty. Nothing is truly set in stone.

Comment Re:Judge is an idiot (Score 2) 115

They're not blocking the destination addresses (i.e. the IP addresses), they're trying to block three specific domain names, plus any future domain names registered by the (unknown) defendants, which is obviously unknowable. The domain names aren't part of any "delivery service" involving the defendant's web sites. They're the content of other "packages" addressed to DNS servers not associated with the defendants.

An ISP can refuse to reply or reply with incorrect data (which would be ignored by clients with DNSSEC enabled) to requests for these domains on its own DNS servers, but clients are not obligated to, and IMHO should not, use the resolvers provided by their ISPs. They can use a third-party resolver, their own recursive resolver, or even a local hosts file to map from domain names to IP addresses. In the first two cases the ISP may be able to filter the requests, if a secure protocol like DoH isn't used, but that would involve "looking in the packages" and "refusing delivery service" based on the content, or fraudulently impersonating the remote server.

Beyond that point, without looking at the content (which may well be encrypted) the ISP can only filter based on the IP addresses, where your USPS address-filtering analogy actually fits... but the address ranges involved could be something like all of Cloudflare, or AWS, or some other widely-used hosting provider. Cutting their subscribers off from a large subset of the Internet would not be a practical or proportional response.

Comment Re:Foolish (Score 1) 147

(And btw, it's not exactly a blow against censorship when the fact that censoring has taken place will just be censored...)

Practically speaking, they won't be able to hide that the movie exists and can be seen everywhere other than China. Not for something this well-known and anticipated at any rate. That might work for something most Chinese citizens were previously unaware of, and which wasn't widely covered in global media.

Comment Re: Hardware availability (Score 1) 81

We have schemes to deal with this already, assuming there is a way to mark the medium which is visible to the naked eye. You start with small but recognizable printed instructions around the outside of the disc explaining how to construct something like a microfiche reader, which is then used to read the next part consisting of microscopic print explaining lasers, binary encoding, and basic optical drives, etc. The process continues in a spiral or concentric circles toward the center of the disc, each section more compact than the one before. Much of the disc area would be taken up by low-density encoding but that still leaves millions of BDs' worth of storage in the inner rings. And of course you only need one disc in a set to include the decoding instructions; any additional discs can use their full capacity.

Comment Re: Direct money injection in the goverment (Score 1) 105

Right off the top, you're only getting paid 85k, because you pay 7.5% social security, and your employer pays the same amount.
That would be 92.5k

Out of the $100k the company is willing to spend to employ you, after accounting for other overhead, $7.5k is paid by the employer as "their" half of SS, and another $7.5k comes out of your paycheck as "your" half. That's $15k total, leaving $85k. You only see the second part but it all affects the amount of money you take home.

Comment Re: The Pros and Cons? (Score 1) 123

Right, it depends on browser support. You wouldn't want the JS to have direct access to the private keys anyway. In the TPM-based scheme the TPM would just hold a master key, not one for each site. Any number of site-specific keys would be stored outside the TPM, encrypted with the master key, and loaded into the TPM temporarily to complete the challenge.

Browsers are already implementing support for WebAuthn but so far as I know it only extends to support for hardware keys. We'd need to implement a purely software-based authenticator in the browser for the client-side password scheme to work; then any site supporting WebAuthn for login (without attestation) would be able to use it automatically.

Comment Re:The Pros and Cons? (Score 4, Informative) 123

Passwords should be one-way hashed before sent to the server, so the server never handles a plain-text copy of your password.

Not sending the raw password to the server is a good start, but implemented naively this just means that the hash becomes a sort of password: anyone with the hash can authenticate, even if they don't know the password the hash was based on. A better system is to apply a password-based key derivation function to produce a public/private keypair from a single master password and some unique public information about the site, such as the domain name. Only the public part is communicated to the site. To authenticate you sign a single-use, limited-time challenge proving that you know the private half of the keypair.

One of the best things about this is that the password part isn't strictly necessary—it works equally well to have the keypairs stored in a TPM or hardware security key, and the site doesn't see any difference. The form of key management is ultimately decided by the user. Sites just need to support something like the WebAuthn standard (without mandating the remote attestation anti-feature); the rest of the UX is up to the user agent.

Comment Re:The problem (Score 1) 125

Just look up which kind of state you're in...

The bigger issue is knowing what kind of state(s) the other parti(es) are in; generally the rules of the stricter state(s) will apply. It's simpler to just make sure that everyone consents.

P.S. If the other party says that the call may be recorded, for example with that ubiquitous "for quality assurance" message, that implies that you can record as well. All that matters is that the conversation may be recorded, not who is doing the recording.

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