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Comment Re:Don't do it. period. (Score 1) 119

For starters, it was on a winblows environment (at least in the beginning).
Mostly though, we were not given the time, and we were not allowed to work on un-approved projects.

Besides, can your really script the ass hat of a lead dev changing RDS images / instances without telling you?
Scripting is no help for the cloud going down either, not to mention connectivity issues.

In short, I am happy to be outta there, that could have possibly been the worst communicating "team" I have ever had the displeasure of working with.

Comment Don't do it. period. (Score 2, Informative) 119

We did this at my last job.
In short, it sucked.

More descriptive: It really sucked!
The boss didn't want to manage servers in house to save costs. So as a developer, we had to show up every day, boot our cloud instance up, sync the latest code to that instance, and begin development. Then before going home, you needed check in your code, shut down the instance, and go home.

Doesn't sound so bad, except for the time you had to waste EVERY DAY logging into AWS, booting the EC2 instance, restoring the RDS instance, syncing the code, doing basic readiness tests BEFORE you could even begin working.
Then there was always the fun part of the dev team leader changing out which RDS instance you needed to use, and forgetting to tell you about it.

Not to mention the time you (the developer) had to waste every day shutting down (syncing / checking in code, creating snapshots, closing RDS instances down, etc, etc, etc).

Then there is always the fun times when the cloud was down (yes, it DOES happen people!) or the internet connection was down (ISP issue, internal LAN issues, etc)... All of the time wasted managing the cloud instances (starting up, shutting down each day) could of been spent actually fixing things, and writing code, but I guess that wasn't cost effective enough for them.

Comment Re:Too Much Documentation (Score 1) 457

Wish I had mod points to give you. Not the exact same, but still documentation:
I was just forced into wasting an entire day "documenting" what has been done for a project so far because the manager was too lazy just to ask me what had been done, and why it isn't working yet.

Probably never read the doc, and will end up asking me about it anyways...

Comment Re:Buy plain bricks.... (Score 1) 425

If you do not wish to partake in the pre-made kits, buy plain bricks and roll your own fantasy just like the old days.

Plain Bricks have become my favorite ones!
You can make anything from plain bricks. You just have to scale it up a bit.
A Couple month ago, my wife asked me to make our sons name out of LEGO to hang on the wall in his room.

It ended up being almost 4ft long, and it looks awesome!

I had so many requests from friends to make them / get instructions, I ended up making a website to customize them yourself:

Comment Leave It (Score 4, Informative) 715

"Take it or Leave it"?

I would choose to leave it. Apple products, while "cool" and "neat" for the individual user, don't often work well in large enterprise environments.
This is just a fact of life.
Until better management tools are made to "manage" the apple devices / environment, they will still be a secondary (or greater) choice for enterprise environments.


Submission + - Saturn Rocket model, re-created using LEGO (

The Joe Kewl writes: "The model is complete to the scale of a LEGO minifig. I am wondering when this LEGO model will be available for purchase... from the article:
LEGO pro Ryan McNaught (aka The BrickMan) constructed a ridiculously impressive 19-foot tall Saturn V rocket replica (with gantry) out of 120,000 bricks over the course of 250 hours. It's the largest LEGO model in Australia."

Comment Not so fast... (Score 1) 352

If students could find a good tablet with some kind of wired / wireless (bluetooth?) keyboard AND some way to easily print things out for those archaic professors that still want physical papers turned in.. I bet ~9/10 students would choose a tablet of a desktop computer...

Then there are the IT minded students who would still have their laptops / desktop computers. Because, as any IT minded person knows, there are many (many) things you just can't do on a tablet (yet).


Submission + - Nikon D300S Launched To Space In A Beer Cooler (

The Joe Kewl writes: A couple of Tech Students in Texas launched a Nikon D300S inside of a styrofoam cooler to the edge of space, with the camera capturing many high res images along the way.
It only took about 3 hours of total flight time for the cooler to be lifted to an estimated 100,000 ft altitude via a Helium weather balloon, and return back to earth with an attached parachute safely!
Pretty neat story, and some even better images on their Flicker Page. A more descriptive story can be found here.

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