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Comment Epic is Sounding Really Desperate at This Point (Score 1) 16

Why would Google need to collude with ActivisionBlizzard to not create a competing app store? In case Epic hasn't noticed, ActivisionBlizzard HAS one already. And it can be used to bypass Google and Apple for at least one mobile game, HearthStone. I can buy cards from within the PC Client, the BattleNet client, or the web front end. And ActivisionBlizzard gets all the money without Google or Apple being able to take a cut like they would if I did it from within the Android/iOS client. Diablo Immortal will soon be that way too if it is not already.

Sure the King Games division titles like Candy Crush and such are not on there, but they could easily be added to BattleNet and the shop. But the point is, they already have a store that competes.

Comment Re:Add teeth to settlements (Score 1) 23

Amen. That is exactly what needs to be done.

I have my own bone to pick with them. They charged me for two months of service I never used. They claimed they "had activity" on the device. I found that odd since that device happened to be in a box on a shelf in my basement where I put it after I moved and did not need Vonage anymore. So I guess my device was the Jesus Christ of VOIP because it rose from the dead without power.

Comment I love the Condecention from Facebook (Score 1) 50

"You don't know what you want. We tell you what you want." That's literally what Facebook is saying here. And then they'll wonder why people migrate away from the service. Funny thing is Tik Tok is successful because some moronic American corporation bought Vine to kill it. And then here comes Tik Tok resurrecting it again.

Comment The Settlement Lacked One Thing... (Score 2) 68

If there really was no discrimination, then those e-mails would have exonerated IBM. So why hide them? Everyone knows they chose to weasel their way out and settle because they knew those e-mails were a smoking gun and did not want them made public. That's all. If nothing happened, why settle?

And, in typical corporate American fashion, they get away by paying a pittance to just make it go away. Of course the settlement amount is small change compared to fines, damages, and other such costs. And they get to publicly lie and say "nothing happened". The judges in these cases need to grow a spine and make it a condition that they either admit to wrong doing if they settle or proceed to trial.

Comment Re:Apple can get him back (Score 3, Insightful) 53

Well considering Ford does not even make cars anymore, sans the Mustang, that stock may tank. They killed off the Fusion, Focus, and Taurus (again). That's why I took the opportunity to look at other makers now since my 500 (aka Taurus) got totaled back in June. They pretty much lost my family as customers as my brother and I liked Taurus and my mother has always been fond of the Focus. She has zero interest in an SUV which is the basket Ford put all its eggs into.

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