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Comment I like NetworkManager, but.... (Score 5, Interesting) 164

Since NetworkManager, day-to-day network use (be it WiFi, wired or whatever) Just Works. I like that.

However, when (as a developer, hardware-tinkerer or network problem solver) you are plugging in and out cables, connecting devices, etc, it would be nice to have NetworkManager to be put on "mute" or something. Just keep my fixed IP on the correct devices and stop enabling and disabling connections. That's the only time I turn the service off.

Comment Release early, release often (Score 2) 270

Why are slashdotters so angry about the release schedule? Isn't this what is supposed to happen? According to ESR, release early, release often (and listen to your customers) is what makes open source great.

Is it really the release cycle, or is it that you feel that Firefox isn't listening to its customers. And who are the customers, really? The extension developers, or the people that use it on a daily basis to surf the web?

In my opinion, the customers are the people who browse the web. And if I look at it as that kind of customer, I am quite happy with Firefox and its release schedule. I get updates automatically and often and they often make the browsing experience better. Sure, sometimes something breaks, but they are keen to fix many of these problems.

Comment Re:Does it really cost $100k? (Score 1) 461

That's like saying "yeah, but of the crashes in which nobody survives, what are are the odss then, huh!?"

It is about the amount of money you have to spend to save lives. And yes, there is a price for a human life. You have to outfit *all* planes for this system to work, so you have to take *all* crashes into consideration.

Comment I liked the N900, but.... (Score 1, Interesting) 109

the world moved on. When the N900 came out, it was one of the best phones available, both in package and in software. But it has been over four years now. The world has moved on. It has moved on to slimmer phones, larger screens, not to mention better touch screens (yes, I have used the N900, and the screen is way worse than the touch screen of my Galaxy Nexus). I type faster with Swype than I ever did with the QWERTY-keyboard, the screen is better, it fits better in my pocket, it is lighter, etc.

Comment Re:Oh! "Borrowing" Some UI Stuff, Huh? (Score 5, Informative) 158

Given Zynga's code of ethics (or lack thereof), I would wager this e-mail found its way into "their" product by way ...

No, it was the email given in the standard Apache 500 Internal Server Error message, as you can see in the article. They put *** as contact address on the server.

It was a configuration mistake, not a stolen site.

Comment Re:No. .Just No. (Score 1) 246

I think having mostly small incremental changes in new full version numbers has really upset some people's sense of normal software conventions and their brains have melted.

It is amazing that these so-called "smart people" and "nerds" here on slashdot cannot grasp just a different way of numbering things. I have been amazed about that before, the nerd community is extremely conservative. Every innovation or new idea is bad at first and has a really hard time getting adjusted to.

For me, the numbering scheme Firefox uses is actually easier. Firefox is "done". Every feature they add or list of bugs they find is grouped together and lumped into a new version. That new version will be oldversion+1. It is extremely simple. You see this in many other software projects, the Linux kernel being one as well. It will probably never see 4.x (and if it does, it will be arbitrary, like the 3.x release). Java is doing it, Internet Explorer is doing it, hardware like iPhone is doing it, Ubuntu is doing it. All these things are "done" and upgrading won't (shouldn't) break anything.

Software development follows a asymptotic line; in the beginning many things change and there is the need to subclasses updates (using, later in the lifecycle of the project, changes are smaller or less intrusive. There simple is no need to have such large granularity in version numbers.

Hell, I don't even know which version of Firefox or the Linux kernel I am using. Everything just works and I hardly see any changes after an update.

Comment Again, a bad name. (Score 2) 129

No one will be able to spell your product name correctly if you use a weird combination of upper and lower case letters.

You don't need to focus on the fact that it is a DE. In fact, you already decided that when you came up with a name, instead of an acronym. Make a choice: is it an acronym, or a proper name? You can't have both, it confuses.

Just name it "Klyde".

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