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Comment Ads suck (Score 2) 307

The companies who are advertising to you, and you, are being stolen from, and fleeced by, the online ad "services". If you are a developer who works for these companies, it is your moral duty to sabotage online advertisements, especially the ones which are collecting vast amounts of user information. If you are not ethical in your programming you are merely an automaton, and will get replaced by AI.

You are simply a cog in the machine.

Comment This isn't a nefarious hack you total dorks (Score 4, Informative) 65

There is no security risk in a document that sits in your computer unused and unopened. It is not nefarious just because it is the Bitcoin whitepaper. It would similarly not be nefarious if instead it were a simple "Hello World".

People are saying this is an example of how you can't trust "walled gardens", and like.. Yeah, you cannot trust walled gardens but this is not an example of why.

Stop your pearl clutching and go find actual nefarious things

Comment What a fucking moron (Score 1) 169

Essentially: one of the main reason to use ads is because people don't like them and will pay to not have them? Are all advertising cock jockeys this dense? Gobbling that advertising dingus must be scrambling their brains. Sloppily fellating advertisers is not going to get you friends like you think it will, becky.

Fuck, I am glad I have an adblocker. Fuck all those advertisers. Totally irredeemable.

Comment Re:This is rational capitalism (Score 1) 220

If you're serious about protecting people from infectious diseases, then you should require everyone to remain at home when they have any infectious disease.

I am 100% supportive of requiring people to stay home and not spread infection of any communicable diseases. Again, a rational corporation will recognize the value of not taking out a significant portion of their human resources.

Comment This is rational capitalism (Score 2) 220

This is literally a company reacting to a situation with cold rational economics behind the decisions - if you come onto their private property and enable the virus to cause havoc with their ability to generate revenue (i.e. infect their human resources), you are a danger to their bottom line. Any rational, smart company would be doing the same as Microsoft, recognizing that their workers are what makes them money.

Anyone who still complains about the vaccines needs to question their suicidal tendencies and should be looking into who's been lying to them.

Comment Re:There is no rational argument against privacy (Score 1) 52

Privacy doesn't automatically negate laws. If someone is breaking the law I fully expect government prosecution or police (or whoever) to be able to provide proof beyond a doubt that a person is behaving criminally. If they have to do it by invading the privacy of law abiding citizens, that's not worth it - especially when there are governments out there like China. It's not hard to imagine the sort of abuses that can and do happen with panopticons - because it is a one-sided relationship: the government gets to watch you and make decisions about you, but you don't get to watch your government.

To be clear, I have no problem with sting operations, or infiltrations into e.g. criminal enterprises if there's reasonable suspicion. The problem is when there is no reasonable suspicion and governments or entities are still snooping on you. There's no rational argument to allow that. And yes, I would argue "so corporations can make money" is an irrational argument in this case. Likewise assuming everyone is a pedophile or criminal. That's completely irrational. There's no reason to think that's true. Yes some people are criminals, but figure it out without a friggin' dragnet!

Comment There is no rational argument against privacy (Score 5, Insightful) 52

There is no rational argument against privacy. A typical argument against privacy is something like "if you've got nothing to hide then you've got no reason to worry". I think people should be thinking more along the lines of something like: "If I've got nothing to hide you've got no reason to look".

In any case, just like I don't want someone staring at me while I brush my teeth or read a book I don't appreciate that someone is taking notes about what websites I may visit in order to "better serve me advertising". Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. Advertisers have no right to know whether I may be more prone to purchase their product, that's not their decision to make for me.

I cannot think of a single good thing to come from advertising - it's always negative, and they're always overreaching. Constantly pushing their boundaries and having to be put in check. Remember popup ads? Remember the obnoxious flash ads with loud noises? No, advertisers don't get to decide a single thing in my life and our lives would be better without advertising.

Comment Advertisers are parasites (Score 5, Insightful) 158

Advertising is ruinous to the internet and society at large.

Advertising dollars are what has made websites race towards the lowest common denominator. Advertising has allowed "blogs" and other shitty "news" sites to succeed while true journalism dies a slow painful death.

Your privacy is a thing to be bought and sold for advertising money. A core essence of yourself, used as a currency for what? Funny pictures of celebrities? Easy access to conspiracy theories? You don't even get to control this currency. You are a commodity, like pigs. Like chattel. You have no value to advertisers except as a number in their web portals.

It's disgusting. I will always block any advertising if I can, and so should everyone else - I say this as someone who used to work in an advertising company. They are utterly contemptible and without merit, a dark, fetid stain of humanity. If you work in advertising, sabotage it. Destroy it. Do the world a favour.

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