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Comment Re:This just makes sense (Score 1) 1345

Too bad what you just said is a load of BS. You should go to church sometime, and get a view from the ground. As someone who has been to a number of churches as I travelled, one common theme I can tell you about is help for the needy.Christians GIVE. They give their money, they give their time. Even the ones who don't have very much will put in a little. When someone in the community is in need, the good people of the parish will be there for them. Even when they don't like you or care for the life choices that put you in your situation, if you truly need help, you can get it at the church.

What they don't like to do is be enablers - perpetuating situations that lead to more poverty and desperation. If you've ever tried to help an addict, you know that you can pour everything you have into that person - all your time, money, and capacity for compassion - and until he has hit his personal crisis point, all you are doing is feeding the beast. Often in such cases, the hardest and most heartbreaking thing of all is to admit that there is nothing you can do.

But... Those who don't want to get their hands dirty, and don't care about the ultimate consequences, love to expand government programs that make it easy for the desperate and dependant to stay that way, completely divorced from any behavioural expectations, passing on their dependant lifestyle to new generations.This is not what a rational person would call a positive outcome. But, this way you get to say that you "helped" the needy, and the best parts are that you did it without having to meet them face to face, and you forced everyone else to pitch in, whether they agree with the ultimate outcome or not. Oh, and you get to demagogue against the "selfish" Christians by pointing out the programs that they do not want to be forced to fund, while obtusely ignoring the good-faith policy arguments they make in support of that position.

Jesus' commandments place personal obligation on people. He did not command governments to confiscate money from one group of people and give it to another. He commanded us to love and serve the poor and needy. And Christians do . We have skin in the game. Come and join us.

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Comment Re:collaboration doesn't look as good as in gdocs (Score 1) 126

You can't have multiple people editing a word document anymore than you can have multiple people driving a car on their way to the office.

To make such a far reaching statement, I assume you've actually tried it, right?

Yes I have. My wife tries to drive the car with me every time we go somewhere. She is entirely undaunted by the fact that it never really works very well.

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