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Comment Re:OK let's get something straight here - (Score 2, Informative) 211

"If you're tagged in a photo, you can exercise your privacy controls over it."

I take exception to this. Why should I ever have to interact with Facebook in the first place? It is entirely possible to tag someone's name into a photo that does not have a Facebook account.

My heart is warmed by the fact that kids are now moving away from Facebook and going back to private messaging like iMessage, Whatsapp, etc., to get away from compromising situations.

Comment Re:Sooo.... (Score 2) 603

Lest we forget that all firearms legislation has its roots in oppressing minorities. The problem is that the oppression has become democratized. Listen to the lyrics of rap groups like Public Enemy. 20 years ago they were speaking to a very specific audience; now their words have more universal appeal.

Comment Re:Isn't this what the Taiwanese believe as well? (Score 3) 262

"My wife was born in Taiwan. She and anyone in her family gets extremely angry if you refer to them as "Chinese," despite being ethnically Chinese, speaking Mandarin, etc."

My dad's wife is from Taiwan and is exactly the opposite. Although I never asked what she thought about Taiwan being a part of China.

Comment Re:I think... (Score 2) 530

That's entropy, not time.

It's very possible that the development of language in humans sort of locked us into the concept of time. For further reading, some of which sounds insane, look into pigeons and their homing instincts to see how other animals aren't necessarily perceiving time in the way that we do.

Comment Re:RANT: it's not internet access (Score 1) 169

If I had a nickel for every time I've seen this statement on Slashdot over the last 15 years, I could buy myself a nice lunch.

They are offering internet access in the purest sense of the term. There are no technical barriers in place that prevent all the normal types of traffic you can have over an IP connection. Rather, it's a contractual agreement that Google is already admitting is behind the times.

Comment Re:Apple? (Score 1) 219

Yes, except my next phone and tablet will be Android-based precisely because Apple fucked me over and ruined my iPhone 4s with iOS 7. On Mac computers, every new OS X upgrade makes older computers run better. It's exactly the opposite with iOS and iPhones.

Comment Re:yep (Score 2) 671

Privatized health care is costing my company hundreds of thousands of dollars in opportunity costs since our senior staff members are haggling over rising insurance costs instead of working billable hours. That's in addition to the rising cost of healthcare. Socialized medicine would save small businesses tons of money and headaches.

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