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Comment AR is dead on arrival (Score 3, Insightful) 148

Nobody wants to work 8 hours a day with something strapped to their face. Are people nuts?

I have three big, very expensive monitors that are about as good a work experience as I need, and I don't need to sweat into a headset. Even more expensive than that vision pro, although their usable lifespan is much more.

AR is DOA. VR has applications in entertainment and simulation.

This is painfully obvious to anyone.

Comment Re: That's just tech (Score 4, Insightful) 149

Legit greybeard here.

People hunted me down to help scale up AI networks. I was ready to retire.

There is no shortage of work because thereâ(TM)s no shortage of mistakes. Ageism is a thing for meat grinder roles, absolutely. When $ matters youâ(TM)d be surprised how fast the grey hair turns into an asset, not a liability.

Comment Nada, zip, black (Score 1) 243

I was part of one of the first studies on aphantasia maybe a decade ago in the UK.

If I am not looking at something, it basically doesnâ(TM)t exist. I canâ(TM)t describe to you what my kids or wife look like, or my parents. Visual information is recalled as fact patterns.

I dream in audio only, and for want of a better word, a âoesense of placeâ.

Many theories on the advantage of this, but it may make you immune to PTSD. Iâ(TM)ve been in some situations in my life that might have traumatized others, but there are no pictures, and those memories are just abstract facts.

When I am looking at something on a screen, though, I can hyper focus quite easily. Once I learn something, I almost never forget it.

Crazy, how our brains work.

Comment Regulations on reports.. (Score 1) 77

SNPedia and Promethease are what 23andme intended.

Take your raw data and run it there, then get relevant data from the entire database of medical knowledge.

The problem is the medical establishment prohibits them from giving you this information, as they want to gatekeep it.

This gave me very valuable information for estate planning and and edge on actuarial models for buying annuities.

Take advantage while you can.

Comment Re:We were warned in 1912 (Score 1) 234

We're still coming out of the last ice age.

Nothing is going to happen. This is nonsense. Massive costal developments are still things. Reinsurance companies are not morons.

You can put whatever motivation you want on it, but if the world ends, it'll be nuclear weapons, a virus, or a supervolcano - but it won't be climate change.

If people cared about emissions, there would be mass nuclear adoption. There isn't, and they don't.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
