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Comment i left reddit in protest of bad treatment by mods (Score 4, Insightful) 385

awhile ago

and i feel vindicated

reddit needs to pay its mods (say, a cut of ad revenue from their sub)

if they work for free, they have no real power over them. which is unstable as current developments indicate

also, if they pay them, they can fire them

you can say paying mods will change the tenor of reddit but this is bullshit: what motivates someone to mod for free is a sort of pathetic need for power, which is actually worse than any nefariousness due to filthy lucre as their motivation

bye bye reddit, you were fun. but you have a fatal flaw in your power structure:

uncaring admins and abusive mods

so what's the next site to rise?

any tips?

Comment Re:Now that was cool! (Score 1) 65

your alternative method is inferior as the specific request is tech *skills*, which you find on resumes, people speaking to their merits to get hired

not "tech appearing together on message boards," which indicated a whole host of relationships, relationship by skillset being far down the list

the simple fact is there is no perfect methodology so criticizing the methodology for being imperfect is without merit. and in articulating a yet even more inferior methodology in your latest comment i have to assume you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, you're barely trying, you're not serious, and so this useless thread is over


Comment Re:Now that was cool! (Score 1) 65

are you saying there exists some implementation that analyzes every resume in existence perfectly? it's "incomplete" in the sense that any such effort is incomplete and imperfect by nature of the problem. your criticism is invalid, you don't understand the task if you expect completeness is possible

Comment Re:Now that was cool! (Score 2) 65

it's just analyzing the appearance of words in listed skills

actual database pros would not put "database" as an enumerated skill

maybe the kind of person who lists "windows" "internet explorer" and "microsoft word" as tech skills would, but such people would not show up in the data set analyzed here: resumes from serious professionals working in the tech sector

so it makes sense "database" would only be a tiny little distant circle

Comment Re:Iran is not trying to save money (Score 1) 409

hitler liked dogs and thought highly of investing in highway infrastructure

people can be the epitome of evil and still be right about something. your "thinking" on this topic is basically the same as saying you hate dogs because hitler liked them

yes, the right screams about iran's bomb program. that doesn't mean the right is suddenly correct about everything, they are warmongering douchebags. however, they are actually correct *in this one instance* about the fucking bomb program

it also doesn't mean we should go to war. "i agree with the right that iran has a bomb program therefore i have to do exactly what the right says we should do about that" does not actually logically follow genius. but most importantly, it doesn't mean the nuclear program magically does not exist just because neocons are poopyheads and we don't like warmongering neocons

believing iraq has a nuclear program because some iraqi went to niger once and niger had yellowcake is *exactly* as fucking stupid as believing iran does not have a bomb program because we don't like donald rumsfeld: a ridiculous erroneous connection for a stupid prejudicial reason

so: congratulations: you are what you hate. your "thinking" is the same quality as warmongering and propagandized american idiots. intelligence is not doing the opposite of who you hate. that's just the same idiocies in reverse. intelligence is about actually being fucking perceptive and observing reality, actual reality. guided by facts nor prejudices. which means every once in a while *gasp* you and your ideological foes agree on the observation before you. and it doesn't logically follow that you agree with them about what to do about it, right genius? you deny what they want to do about reality, you don't deny reality!

seriously, you are a fucking idiot on this topic. you are to me exactly the same kind of loser as the idiots who thought iraq had a nuclear program. you believe something obviously not real because of who you like/ dislike prejudicially who says the lie. fucking moronic

Comment Re:What's the next project? (Score 1) 46

there's identifying and knowing your weaknesses, planning for them, and failing over swiftly and gracefully

then there's not doing a damn thing about the weaknesses, and using the same damn set up forever

also, we're not talking about exchanging product keys for cracked software. we're talking about a system used in a wold war where thousands of lives and the prestige of nations depended upon a good implementation plan

Comment Re:Wrong about automation and profit (Score 3, Insightful) 128

The article carries echoes of the "profit is evil and government is good" mantra so popular lately.

that's a false dichotomy that only appeals to a simpleton

profit taking cannot occur without the stability and security established by government. likewise, government cannot exist without tapping into the profits it makes possible. government without the individual pursuit of capital is hell. and the social darwinistic pursuit of capital be damned the externalities is a simply another flavor of hell

it's just ignorance to imagine that capitalism and government are enemies. one does not exist without the other

Comment Re:Profit over safety (Score 1) 128

we're talking about nuclear

nuclear is great until something bad happens. and then the possibilities are so exceedingly horrendous that there's nothing insurance can effectively do to offset the damage. what's the going insurance rate on giving cancer to people for decades and rendering large swaths of land unlivable for generations?

insurance is only effective when the premiums paid cover the probability of damages possible. but the damages possible with nuclear are so stupefyingly huge that the insurance company would quickly go bankrupt instead of paying out

Comment Re:What's the next project? (Score 1) 46

if enigma was such a great system, it would have protected from or gracefully readjusted after such an obvious and easily foreseeable failure. that no one foresaw such an obvious failure or didn't have any contingency for the fucking obvious simply means that enigma was extremely brittle and therefore a weak system

and even though it was broken, the breaking remained classified *exactly because* the brittle weak system could be sold to countries that uk, usa wanted to spy on easily. so yes: you need to re-learn your history, moron

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