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Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 268

If you base your development decisions on how many people won't buy your app, then you're doing it wrong.

Also a "lost sale" is actually more of a missed opportunity than any actual loss. When a pirate installs software, that doesn't take any money out of your pocket, it just doesn't put any in. That is not a loss.

If your application is tied to a backend, then you will incur more traffic to that site than you have paid users. However, if a 10-25% increase in traffic is eating all of your profits, then you're doing that wrong, too. You should probably rethink your business model. Maybe it should be charging some sort of in-app service fee to cover those recurring costs. I would guess those payments would be more difficult to pirate than the initial software install.

No one thinks pirates should get away without paying. Not even the pirates (ok, maybe some of them do, but most of them know exactly what they are doing). Pirates know they are taking risks when they board ships to steal cargo. They know that there's a chance the occupants of the ship could fight back, but they are willing to take the risk to get the booty. The problem on the iPhone as yet is that there is no actual risk involved, only upside. "Piracy" on the iPhone is apparently just too easy.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 290

Well you were the one who originally called it a "newspaper", instead of an "escort service flier". Perhaps its not a disguise, but rather just a misrepresentation. A newspaper is more about the content, than the physical medium, though it is their adherence to the physical medium that is leading them to inevitable failure.

In Portland, and several other cities, a new publication has popped up recently called "Busted". Its printed on news-stock, and is simply page after page of mugshots along with the person's name and the offense they were arrested for. I've bought it a couple of times for $1 an issue, which is more than I've spent on actual newspapers in the last decade. Its entertaining, trying to guess the crime based on the picture, or seeing common facial traits of people arrested for possession of meth, or picking out which DUIs were still totally wasted when their picture was taken, etc.

I wouldn't call "Busted" a newspaper, but its certainly a niche publication that can survive on printed media, or at least long enough to make a quick buck before the novelty wears off. As more newspapers fail, I suspect more of these sorts of publications (Busted, Dutch escort fliers, etc) to pop up. A newspaper could offset its losses from reduced circulation by printing these small-batch publications in their off-hours. "Busted" is maybe 10 sheets, and sells for about double the price of the local Portland newspaper, which has several sections each day. The small publications are making way more money per issue, using far fewer resources, than the long-standing, "respected" publications. Newspapers, much like the horse-and-buggy and compact discs, have a limited future. By repurposing their brick-and-morter to fulfill niche markets, a small number of them can "hang on". Even vinyl records survive today; in the hands of a skilled DJ (and for douchebag "audiophiles" ;) there is no substitute.

So while your "newspaper targetting 25-35 year old males" might be thriving, it is probably not thriving on the news. News delivery is much better served by other sources.

Having said that, F News Corp. I usually turn to online editions of British news outlets for real stories. American "journalism" has gone severely downhill, particularly as the Internet has taken over. While a newspaper is no longer relevant for time-sensitive stories, the ability to disseminate information instantaneously over the Internet has greatly reduced the quality of information. In the salad days of print media, when you broke a story, your article beat the competition by at least a day. Scoop enough stories, and your paper would get a reputation for getting the news first, and circulation would increase.

If you "scoop" a story on the Internet, you might beat your competition by a matter of seconds, or maybe minutes. The old metric of getting the news first is not as important as it used to be. Quality should be more important, but the news outlets do not seem to have made that shift. By adhering to the old metrics of being first, news outlets are in a constant state of urgency, publishing rushed articles as quickly a possible. CNN, Fox, Yahoo, MSNBC, local newspaper websites, etc, all post the same AP, Reuters, and celebrity publicist news feeds verbatim as soon as they hit the wire. Instead of journalists researching information, checking facts and writing responsible articles, we simply have reporters and automated systems relaying the raw information as quickly as they possibly can without any regard for quality, accuracy or truth.

We end up with situations like the "Balloon Boy", where 15 minutes of fact checking could have saved the whole world from weeks of annoyance over what ended up as nothing. Instead we had all of the media outlets trying to get the first interviews with the family, and filling days of airtime with the same meaningless video loops, on the off chance that something might eventually happen so they could report it first. However every news outlet had reporters standing by at the same location, insuring that none of them would actually break the story first by more than milliseconds. The "news" outlets get hijacked trying to provide "better" coverage of whatever events their competition is covering, without any thought to whether or not it is worth covering. They were wasting time busy waiting for new facts instead of reporting on other things that were actually happening. When everyone is first, first doesn't matter.

A newspaper, and in fact a responsible journalist, cannot afford to waste resources like that. They absolutely cannot survive without a high signal-to-noise ratio. When nothing is happening on a story, there is nothing to report. They cannot fill an issue with endless repetition of the same 5 facts while they wait for the outcome. They need to follow the important stories, find out as much as they can about them, resolve the conflicting information, and write compelling articles before the next printing deadline. If there's nothing new on one story, they write about something else. We end up with a broad selection of high quality information that appeals to a wide audience. Unfortunately for them by the time the paper hits the newsstands or your doorstep, you've already read about it on the Internet or seen it on TV. Unfortunately for us, the Internet and TV news outlets don't have the same sort of journalistic integrity.

I think the good journalists should still be able to make it on the Internet. I appreciate their responsible research and well-developed articles much more than sensationalism and reactionary reporting. Their product is compelling. Printed newspapers are not.

Comment Re:GTA did it best... (Score 1) 352

There's not much difference between a generic 42" LCD TV vs a Samsung 42" LCD TV in the game. Now if it was "Samsungs Eco-friendly*, Advanced LCD TV Technology, delivering stunning picture quality, with the Touch of Color Design", it would be an entirely different matter.

I don't mind subtle and tasteful. I don't like billboards for the sake of billboards.

And I hate all those stupid stickers all over cameras detailing every "cool" feature. If video games get plastered like that with in-game ads, it will suck.

Comment Re:Ray Ozzie (Score 1) 256

Not to mention that he was probably only using Notes for email, which you claim is the reason for "the main criticism and bad reputation" of Notes. He probably missed out on all the cool stuff, and just bitched about the one sucky feature. He wanted the same crappy experience he got with Outlook. He was used to all of its "quirks." He was resistant to change (like when I tried to switch from reading email in vm in emacs to using mutt... ugh... don't get me started!).

20 years is a long time. I missed out on the Notes bus, but I'm pretty excited about Google Waves.

Comment Re:Snooore (Score 1, Insightful) 256

Ohmigod. Really? Yes. I just looked it up. Its really file synchronization.

How is this in any way related to Google Waves? Why is Ray Douchebag (sp?) comparing a file synchronization utlility to an all-encompassing communications tool? Is it just because these are the latest products from Google and Microsoft? Should Apple start comparing the iPhone 3GS to Google waves?

I mean, on the one hand, Waves combines email, instant messaging, and file sharing, but it doesn't have an autofocus camera. Heh. Waves does have push notification, but I hear that's coming in iPhone 2.0. I mean 3.0 (tho I won't hold my breath!)

Microsoft's best attack on Waves is that its too complicated for developers? That its too hard? Wow. News flash: some developers at Google made it. And it exists (mostly). So is Ray saying that Microsoft engineers aren't as good as Google's?

Holy crap. Wasn't file synchronization solved like a decade ago when the Palm Pilot came out? Oh right. It wasn't, and all solutions to date still suck. I suspect Mesh will suck in its own ways, too (like that it won't work on Linux, or Mac or any non-Microsoft platforms.... but Waves will... Not that waves is a file synchronization tool or is in any real way comparable to Mesh in the first place, but either way, Ozzie loses).

Comment Re:IAAC (Score 1) 386

That's college, and that's mostly students doing the grunt work, not professors. Why burn or scar yourself when you could have a student do it for you? There are plenty of students, so when one breaks, its easy to find a replacement. ;)

Comment Re:This is typical stuff. (Score 1) 156

Bad analogy. Google didn't take or renovate anything from Sprecht. He still has all the Android Data stuff that ever was (even though none of us seem to be able to find it). The situation in your analogy is definitely not OK, but it isn't really applicable to this.

The Google situation is more like this: You have a broken down car in your driveway that you call "Android Data". Google builds a spaceship at their headquarters, launches it with several partners, then names it "Android". You see pictures of the gleaming ship rocketing through space, then go out to your driveway and see your busted old pile of junk, and decide to sue Google for $94 million.

Google's Android has nothing to do with Sprecht's Android Data. One is a mobile platform, and the other is... uh... maybe an ISP? I doubt there is any confusion about the marks.

Even if the trademark is legit, $94 million is a huge amount of money. I'm curious to see how they came up with that figure? Did Android Data do anywhere near that amount of business before they closed shop 4 years ago?

Comment Re:check your inbox (Score 1) 443

If you really want to set your filters to read your email at that level of detail, it may be possible.

Spamassassin, Google Mail, Yahoo! Mail, and probably every other email with any sort of anti-spam already does "read" your email at that level of detail. That's actually a pretty trivial use of email filters. Its pretty much what email filters do.

And I'd have to say spammers do care about filters, or else they wouldn't keep updating their tactics to work around the filters.

Comment Re:Alternative viewpoint: (Score 1) 443

"Ever" is a little strong. That's how I used to look for everything, but with all the phishing and squatter sites, that's no longer practical. Now I just use google to find everything.

I do have a bunch of domains in my mental cache (amazon, newegg, google, apple, redrocketrally, etc) that I know work and I only occasionally make typos. Most of the time I just habitually hit "Cmd-L Tab" and type the domain (sometimes even whole URL) into the google search on Safari instead of the address bar.

Comment Re:Alternative viewpoint: (Score 1) 443

I bet if you type "Game Maker Technology magazine" into google, it will get you to it. I just typed "Game maker tech" and its the first result.

As long as you can get there, who really cares what the domain name is, much less the suffix. Google (and other search engines) and bookmarks are all that really matter anymore.

Comment Re:why? (Score 4, Interesting) 346

I think an even better comparison would be a car with a helicopter stapled to the trunk. That's not even right, since the car & helicopter are more analogous to the ipod and computer. This is more like everything you would put in your car has a 10:1 scale model of itself attached to it.

Its like every shirt in Arizona having a winter coat sewn to the back of it. Closets hold 1/10 as many clothes, but big closets are getting cheaper every day. The largest suitcases barely hold enough for a weekend trip. Everyone ends up dragging around winter coats like tails, even though they rarely ever need them.

My analogy is bad, but not as bad as this hybrid mp3 format. I suppose the format is OK for archival storage, but copying the huge files to a portable device with limited space is just stupid.

Comment Re:It's Bull Shit (TM) from the Wintel People. (Score 3, Insightful) 413

Love it.

Now what if your car comes bundled with 3 steering wheels. The MS wheel comes attached to the steering column in front of the drivers seat, and the other two are in a compartment in the trunk. (The Firefox wheel can change colors and has a button that makes your headlights blink on and off. The Opera wheel is a little smaller, and just has a simple horn button.)

You can swap the steering wheels around, but whenever you get your car serviced they upgrade you to a new MS wheel installed on the column for free, and put your other wheel back in the compartment in the trunk (its part of the EULA... you just didn't read it).

Would you use those other wheels?

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