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Comment Gateway Pundit, seriously? (Score 0, Troll) 214

Good lord! Why would you use such an unreliable source like The Gateway Pundit? Even when they are accurate, they're stealing their articles from sites that actually employ journalists. The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website.[1] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[34]

Comment And who is saying this? (Score 1, Troll) 200

The Toronto Sun is part of Postmedia, an American-owned chain that exercises strong editorial control and is basically Fox North.

Canadian Civil Liberties Association seems legit, but the Canadian Constitution Foundation is part of the Koch Atlas network, slipping far-right American money into Canadian politics.

That doesn't mean that they're wrong, but what they say should be examined carefully for fish hooks.

Comment Being a necessary app isn't the problem (Score 1) 54

The problem is bundling. Slack does not have an office suite to bundle with its app, so it is at a competitive disadvantage to Teams. If we want market competition, we need to block monopolistic behavior.

My company is discontinuing the paid Slack tier in two weeks because they got a sweetheart deal from MS with the Office suite. Teams is absolutely worse for our use case than Slack, and we have to spend the next two weeks moving alerts, finding replacements for integrations, and backing up pinned posts and chat history. They're going to waste countless hours of expensive developer time to save $6/dev/mo.

Comment That's still unfair! (Score 4, Funny) 127

Its human-like touch was also apparent when it wished me luck at the end of its response

That was unfair of Bing to wish this candidate good luck. Or it will be lying to the other candidates when it says it will also wish them good luck. Or maybe wishing and luck aren't real? Oh God!

Comment Re:Canadian Tire money (Score 1) 41

Speak for yourself.

Worse return policy of any retailer I have ever seen!

Even though I had the receipt from the day before and could prove the item was DOA (manufacturer defect), they wouldn't even take back. After an hour of escalation they finally offered an exchange, but I checked and it had the same manufacturer defect right from the box. STILL wouldn't refund the money. I called and opened a dispute with the credit card company, had them block the transaction (detailed the company policy, provided pictures and even had a manager speak to the credit card company).

So people who are ignorant of quality and policy might like Canadian Tire, but there is always better quality and better pricing with better return policy elsewhere and I spread the news every chance I get!

- Yo Grark

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