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Comment Re:how many products? (Score 3, Informative) 298

Read up on Modern Monetary Theory if you haven't already. Bill Mitchell's blog is by far the best.

I almost NEVER read anyone on slashdot or mainstream sites that understands bank credit. Nearly everyone thinks of money as some sort of commodity, even though it's never really been that way, and definitely is nothing like that now.

Cheers to you.

Comment Re:"fertility skin pigment"? (Score 1) 202

You don't seem to understand modern genetic research.

Only those of Sub Saharan African descent, i.e. blacks, are purely homospaiens.

All other people on earth are essentially a hybrid of homosapiens and neanderthals.

Mainstream "science" sources, generally shy away from genetics because they are beholden to the myth of "equality' and deny the existence of human breeds.

Comment Re:Who are you talking about? (Score 1) 683

You really understanding of money, social organization, or the way the US economy functions.

No governments need to tax. They have always created money. Obviously, the money had to be created first, otherwise it wouldn't be in the hands of the people to pay the taxes.

Taxes are about forcing people to use the currency issued by a particular sovereignty.

There is a reason counterfeiting has always been akin to rebellion.

In the US, we also use diplomacy and military adventures to compel the world to use US dollars for international trade. The so-called 1% primarily thrive by taking a cut from the entirety of global trade, which is upwards of 100 trillion dollars a year. They certainly do not "work" for their money.

There is no difference between the private and public sector. The issue is and always has been? Who leads? Who follows? How virtuous are they? At the moment, they are all thoroughly corrupt and we exist in the US solely due to the power of our military. If China invents something fantastical like forcefields that can deflect all weapons, even nuclear devices, the US will collapse overnight.

Comment Re:Pathetic (Score 1) 683

Absolutely true. The 1% derive their income from economic rent, primarily through usury. Some work, but not because they have to .

Most google workers probably would have real problems if they did not have a job.

In reality, it's becoming increasingly clear that while usury is a functional system of social control using the authority of the government, it is dangerous and irresponsible to let the citizens themselves profit from that system excessively. We will in time see income limits for usurers. Bankers, whose power to create money via loans is delegated from Congress, are really agents of the state. They should be paid well, but no more so than any other bureaucrat.

This is why the 1% fear.

Comment Re:This is the AP Comp Sci exam (Score -1, Flamebait) 489

White knighting nerds.

I'm sorry women find you repulsive, but the way you imagine the world is, simply isn't true. The vast majority of men are in fact excessively nice to women, especially the undesirable ones like yourself because they stupidly believe that is what women find attractive.

Now, I don't know how attractive you are physically. It's very likely that you are very ugly, in which case you simply aren't part of the sexual marketplace, except perhaps as a buyer of sex services. But if you aren't, simply ceasing this supplication will do wonders for your personal life.

It's 2013. There is a shitload of information on the internet, both serious social science, and less serious conjecture, that proves your fantasy to be bullshit. Feel free to continue in your delusion if it makes you happy, but for the rest of us who are getting laid - please. We find your desperation and hatred of us really, really annoying.

Comment Re:victory against science (Score 1) 510

No, the way of the future is a managed eugenics system and the gradual reduction of the human population to sustainable levels. This is already official state policy in China, and the Beijing Genomics Institute is very close to identifying key genetic markers of ideal traits, especially intelligence. You combine this with China rapidly establishing sovereignty over Africa, and the major cause of world overpopulation will be eliminated and hundreds of millions of acres of prime farmland will be freed up for productive use.

How can you possibly think the future is processed algae? Do you realize a billion people would rather burn your civilization to the ground?

Comment Re:Fuck religion. (Score 1) 903

I would take very careful note of history, and current worldwide events.

Secular societies simply won't last more than a few decades. Your religion is sort of like the Shakers. You fervently believe all sorts of nonsense like this forcing other people to do what they think is wrong, but you've forgotten all about why civilization arose.

It didn't arise for your abstract principles. It arose to allow for people to thrive and reproduce.

All of you are so selfish, and so self absorbed, you couldn't care less about whether or not society will last. You only care about yourself to the point few of you ever have children.

Well, your enemies are having lots of children, and your foolish leaders import them in vast numbers into your country.

In a few decades, all of you will be dead and greatly outnumbered by people who find your worldview sick and inhuman.

Enjoy the decadence while you can, sucker.

Comment Re:Fireworks in 3...2...1... (Score 0, Troll) 1251

And so too can religion rally sufficient people to reorder society, and the law, however they see fit. Contrary to the delusions of believers in the Enlightenment faith, there are no rights. Might makes right, and quite frankly - no one is going to bother dying for something as absurd as redefining the word "marriage" contrary to its definition in every single human language on the whole planet.

Many a gadfly has inevitably been swatted.

The downfall of modern society is the illusion of strength that the internet provides. One need merely look at the mass propaganda agitation efforts in Eastern Europe that have been crushed with popular support with relative ease.

Comment Re:The FDA is part of the executive branch (Score 2) 371

It's not entirely the party, but the Democratic Party has a major faction that is opposed to genetics, and maintains the fiction that humans are born equal and only propaganda and socialize creates human differences.

Modern genetic research soundly defeats this myth, so the science is suppressed in various ways. This is a surprising one, as so far it usually has focused purely on academic research.

Comment Re:Orson Scott Card (Score 1) 732

You know damn well that is not what you intend.

You're like a grade school girl cattily shunning a classmate, getting all her friends to do the same, and then proclaiming innocence to the teacher that you have every right to behave as you did. It's the behavior of a coward, a man who has lost any and all ability to confront real danger.

It may seem as if this kind of social pressure works at the moment, but your occupation as a crusader/inquisitor for the God of Equality and the Tabula Rasa Myth has a few major problems.

1) In reality, no one really gives a shit about sodomy or those who practice it. It may make your fellow inquistors feel good about yourselves, which is easy for white people, but they certainly aren't going to fight and die for butt sex.

2) Like most believers in the God of Equality, you undoubtedly deny genetics except to attack Christians for believing in evolution. Well, I've got news for you spud. Homophobia is genetic. As genetic as fear of spiders and fear of snakes. Which means it is one of the few inborn fears. Which means it conferred a survival advantage. Those you attack, who are largely non-white in other parts of the world as only white people as adults have this pathological openness to outsiders, cannot change the way they feel.

3) What this also means is that homosexuality, aka butt sex, is a deviant inclination that is bestowed upon an infected person by an as of yet unidentified germ. It is a similar condition as toxoplasmosis, the infamous protozoa that causes crazy cat ladies to obsess with acquiring as many cats as possible. Obviously, this germ is an evolutionary dead end, so it's only natural that we evolved a defense against it. You'll note, if you study behavioral psychology, that children are absolutely repulsed by the notion of butt sex and homosexual behavioral traits. Now you know why. They are the most vulnerable to this infectious agent, just as they are more vulnerable to venom.

4) In the very near future, this germ will be identified. There will be a period of time, hopefully not particularly long, before a vaccine is identified. For all diseases that cause neurlogical changes that affect behavior, it cannot be reversed. It is likely the case here as well. White people, as always, will do everything they can to praise these deviants in the few countries they have left, but do you think people in say, Saudi Arabia, are going to bother waiting for that vaccine? Can you say quarantine of a scale unheard of in history?

5) See, you hate hate hate bad ideas, bad thoughts, and especially bad people who have them. But, since you don't really accept or understand science, you don't grasp that virtually all behavior is genetic. Your grand dream of propaganda and thought control to turn humans into perfect moral beings who follow your will is an impossibility.

6) You are, in fact, contributing to a hostile society that will for the above reasons blow up in your face in the not so distant future. Keep to your omega male passive aggressive behavior all you want, but if you really give a shit about queers - I would prepare for the above inevitability rather than obsessing over changing people's minds.

Comment Re:It's a shame homophobephobes won't see it (Score -1) 732

It might in accurate in the case of Card, but it's not an inaccurate word.

There have been a large number of studies on homophobia, so much so it pretty much proves that homosexuality is caused by a disease. Key factors
1) It is highly genetic, which indicates it confered a survival advantage.
2) It follows a similar pattern as other innate fears, such as fear of spiders or snakes. It is strongest in the young, who are most vulnerable. It dissipates with age, which varies based on ethnicity.
3) It is weakest in white people, who have the most openness to outsiders of all kinds. It is stronger in all other ethnic groups, who tend to be much more clannish.

Knowing what we now know about toxoplamosis, the protozoan that causes crazy cat lady syndrome, there are likely many as of yet undocumented diseases that affect behavior. Homosexuality, in this respect, would seem to fit the bill perfectly. It causes behavior that has no genetic advantage, and is in fact harmful. The behavior, in this case the urge to fornicate, borders on the pathological. Partner counts for gay men, for example, are orders of magnitude greater than straight men, and it doesn't decrease with age. Contrary to mass propaganda, anal sex is a SERIOUS disease vector, far more so than any other kind of sexual activity. Also contrary to mass propaganda, homosexuals are in fact much more likely to be sexual predators of children.

In any event, here are some great studies on the subject.

The point is also made that a major danger here is when this gay germ is identified. The positive is that, in time, a vaccine will be developed. Chances are, the neurological changes are permanent, as with toxoplasmosis.The negative is that outside of western countries, there will undoubtedly be mass violence against gays. So, this is potentially a very dangerous situation.

What this proves is what should be expected regarding all tradition. Traditions evolved for a reason. Morality isn't subjective, but is the way we humans - who are social animals - pass down learned behavior that is good and prevent behavior that is bad. With good being reproductive success, and bad being failure. It should be no surprise that all religions condemn homosexuality. It also should not be a surprise that aversion to it is genetic, as it completely prevents reproduction.

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