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Comment Re:Laughable (Score 1) 79

because when the IP address block that was assigned to your IP is blacklisted, you won't be able to do shit except switch ISPs, then switch all your DNS entries (if you're a corp user) or hang out all day waiting for your new cable/dsl/whatever tech to show up to plug in your shiny new cable/dsl/whatever modem. That's why you would care about it.

Comment Re:Do no evil, my ass. (Score 1) 271

The internet is not the web; DNS has uses other than HTTP requests. Ping, traceroute, SMTP, FTP, to name a few. Please think back to the myriad things that broke when verisign started doing wildcard redirection. This is still a good idea, but to pretend that there aren't privacy/security concerns because "they were going to know anyway" is false.

Comment Re:Fedora (Score 4, Insightful) 236

There's a menu item for installing software, but honestly, if you don't know what yum is and how it's used to install software in redhat-based distros -- especially if you couldn't be bothered to google it and instead thought installing windows would be easier -- windows is where you need to be. that's not meant as an insult either; linux is not for you.

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