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Comment Re:Seems to be OK all around then (Score 1) 616

wait, you're stalking my other posts? and you think heroin is like a vaccine?

of course any vaccine should be thoroughly tested before they inject it into anyone you raving moron

it's not like they are grabbing people and injecting them with experimental formulations. the science on this is well-established and there is a rigorous review process before anyone gets injected

you are a fearmongering, pridefully ignorant wackjob. you need to get and your kids your fucking vaccine and if you do not you ARE a health threat to us so we WILL save your kids and the rest of us from your dangerous ignorance, you irresponsible asshole

go live in the mountains and never have kids. if you won't do that, do what you have to do to be part of society you dumb fuck

Comment Re:Doublethink (Score 3, Insightful) 686

It's always been this way - younger people tend to care less about voting

I could equally say it's always been this way because politicians and The Establishment have always been old.

My theory is at that age you're still so engrossed with exploring your environment, that you put little thought into shaping your environment.

My theory is that political parties run by older people tend to focus on the wishes of people just like them i.e. older people. Due to the party political whipping system, young people who investigate politics quickly realise they will be forced to vote in support of social policies they disagree with, making the career unattractive. This results in a downward spiral in which politicians ignore people unlike them, those people get turned off from politics, and thus the demographic makeup of the political elite can never self correct.

Comment Re:Why are you shocked? (Score 1) 63

No, I'm not a fan of wannabe little brownshirts following Alinsky's script of personal destruction.
That's all he's doing when he continually moves the goal posts.

I'm also not a fan of cowardly little cyber-bullies, which is all he is.

Look below -- this creepy little bastard has been obsessed with me for years -- I finally give him an opportunity to meet me and ... oh, there's other things he'd rather do. Like hide in his mother's basement and cry softly.

He's a completely useless tool. Not worth any of my time.

Comment Re:Why are you shocked? (Score 1) 63

How typical for a cyber-bully and online stalker. You're real brave hiding behind a computer screen but in meat space you're a sniveling coward.

Bottom line: You wouldn't lie about me to my face the way you do on slashdot.

I however, would still tell the truth about you to your face the way I do on slashdot.

Don't believe me? Let's meet up and find out.

Comment Re:Doublethink (Score 4, Insightful) 686

I think it's more likely to be because people under 35 are the first generation that have no memory of the cold war. People born before about 1980 lived in a world where there was a very strong, clear delineation between us vs them and that divide was seen as an existential struggle between good and evil. Merely by being born into a certain country, you too could take part in an epic ideological struggle between right and wrong. It is perhaps not surprising that people who lived most of their life in such a world instinctively support a strong, authoritarian state and react badly to a "traitor who gave our national security secrets to the Russians" or whatever garbled version of the story they received via Fox News. There's definitely a clear and strong tendency in older populations to support our side regardless of what that side actually does, and things that seem to bring back old certainties strongly appeal to them. Hence the desperate need of the establishment to make "the terrorists" to new Big Evil.

Contrast to people under the age of 35 who don't remember the cold war and have never lived in a world where there were clearly defined conflicts between us/them or good/evil. Instead there has been a series of endless wars started by us against dramatically weaker foes, based on vague and uncompelling justifications, the results of which have mostly been bedlam. Older people love this because it's an attempt to bring back the old certainties they remember. It leaves young people cold because they don't care about the old certainties, as they never had them to begin with.

Combine all this with the fact that the average software developer is 30 years old and the average age of Congress is 57 ... nearly double their age .... you have set the stage for an epic showdown between the technology industry and the political establishment. Which is exactly what's happening.

Comment Re:Seems to be OK all around then (Score 1) 616

Okay. Can I have a refund on my taxes which paid for the public school that I can no longer use? See how that works?

That sounds fair as long as you also pay a large excess tax that covers the host of setting up quarantine zones, emergency medical care and lifelong disability benefits when "Private School for anti-vaxxers" is inevitably swallowed by a full blown measles outbreak. The costs of this are likely to far, far outstrip the value of the school vouchers.

In practice though the amount of accounting that it'd take to make this kind of opt out system perfectly fair is so large that it'd be better to just force people to take the vaccines. I guess like many on this site I'm not a huge fan of governments forcing people to do things against their will, but there are cases where it's clearly the best path forward, like obeying speed limits, paying taxes .... and being vaccinated.

Comment Re:Seems to be OK all around then (Score 1) 616

could you cite the HPV vaccine concerns? i remember some fearmongering from the right during the last election

you need clear and present proof, not "maybe possibly could"

your concerns are empty and pointless fear about hypotheticals that don't exist. therefore they are of no value

vaccines work. we should mandate them

someday they might not work you say? someday they could be a danger you say? what does that even mean? every fucking thing we make in the world can fuck up. maybe someday the AI of self-driving cars will screw up and drive people off bridges, so we should never have self-driving cars. what? this is just unfounded fear

your position is nonsense

Comment Re:Seems to be OK all around then (Score 1) 616

you have no right to shoot and kill someone unless they represent a mortal threat to you

likewise, government has no right to use force against anyone unless that person represents a clear threat to society

if you do not get vaccinated, you are a clear threat to society as a disease vector

therefore, society has the right to protect itself from your irresponsibility of exposing people to danger, by authorizing government to force you to vaccinate

it's exactly the same as protecting yourself from a home invader. you can get shot for invading a home, because you are an unknown mortal threat to the home's occupant. in the same way, if you don't vaccinate, you are a threat that society must neutralize with use of force

the words in your comment are written as if government and society are forcing you to do something against your will for no good reason

but society has a very good reason

you are a threat to us if you do not get vaccinated

Comment Re:...and adults too. (Score 2) 616

there's always going to be people with legitimate medical reasons like yourself not to get vaccinated

which is why you should be grateful for laws making vaccines mandatory: herd immunity means you and the few others unvaccinated for valid reasons are protected

where herd immunity breaks down, such as when not enough people get their vaccinations for fucking retarded reasons, you are at greater risk of getting maiming and hobbling diseases

Comment Re:I don't know what to think (Score 1) 407

i waded through your dreary insults then stopped reading here:

I personally see absolutely nothing cruel about warning someone against doing drugs because it will lead to a life of poverty, addiction, and early death and then making them face the consequences of their decisions when the turkey comes home to roost

no, douchebag, that is cruel

your views are invalid as your attitude is immoral

coming after all the condescension and assumed superiority, it was actually quite funny

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