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Comment Re:Whoa, whoa (Score 4, Insightful) 983

"In multitasking, if you see a task manager, they blew it. Users shouldn’t have to ever, ever, ever think about that stuff."

Fast forward a year

"In this new iPhone OS 5.0, we've working on a new revolutionary feature, a real task manager, this is going to greatly improve your experience with the devices, it's so great, even we are amazed!"

Comment Re:Autodesk will lose (Score 1) 488

"Autodesk countered that because it licenses the software, rather than selling it outright, a licensee does not have the right to resell its products"

Vernor is passing that same license to a new owner, he's not duplicating it.

But now software licenses are tied to a single real life person and can't be transferred, you paid for it and now it's yours forever.

Comment Re:How is this different from / better than Twiste (Score 3, Insightful) 113

Bret Taylor says:

When we started, we did use Twisted. In practice, I found Twisted tedious. The deferred abstraction works, but I didn't love it in practice. Likewise, the HTTP/web support in Twisted is very chaotic (see ... - even they acknowledge this). In general, it seems like Twisted is full of demo-quality stuff, but most of the protocols have tons of bugs.
Given all those factors, it didn't seem to provide a lot of value. Our core I/O loop is actually pretty small and simple, and I think resulted in fewer bugs than would have come up if we had used Twisted.

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The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money. - Ed Bluestone
