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Comment Re:USA, the land of freedom (Score 1) 304

You'll probably want to drop Sweden from the list; considering they're acting as the bagman for DC's efforts to get their hands on Julian Assange.

Please look at the facts before spouting (off topic) bullshit.

What facts? - The facts I know supports what SvnLyrBrto is saying.

Both Sweden and the UK are going above and beyond to get their hands on Julian Assange in connection with an insignificant charge of alleged rape of two women who both had consensual sex with him and later changed their minds. This screams bullshit, scam, and 'bad excuse' to get their hands on him, as none of these countries have ever made an effort like this to get at a real rapist - one of those that grab people on the street and rapes them - so it makes no sense not to just have a warrant issued at Interpol and then have him arrested the next time he crosses a border.

No, the UK police actually sits 24/7 outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London waiting for him to leave the building, and have done so for years now, and the Swedish police insists that they want to question him on Swedish ground, not using a video link or face to face at the embassy where he stays. This also makes no sense and is totally out of character. People appear in Swedish courts using video feeds from hospital beds and similar all the time, and they travel often to interview witnesses or similar outside Sweden. Even mass murderers get less attention than Julian Assange.

Comment Two situations (Score 1) 328

1) Your girlfriend sends you naked pics and later you break up.

2) You break up and then you hack into her accounts and steal naked pics.

In the first you actually have the right to share the pics she sent to you.
In the second it's obvious the pics are stolen property and you have no rights to them at all.

Comment Re:Entitled Asshole (Score 2) 199

As long as we don't have to pay for the same product again and again and again... Today we pay when a movie hits the cinemas, then again when it hits pay-per-view movie channels, then again via advertising when it hits the general networks and then again when the DVD or blu-ray is out so we finally can take it home to view when we please... That's just insane.

It should be possible even at the very first premiere of a movie to decide not to go to the cinema and just take the movie home right away on blu-ray. The waiting (and exclusion) game is exactly what created the piracy culture.

Comment The idea is good.... (Score 1) 264

But of course all parties should have equal access to the recording which hopefully includes audio so defamatory speech on both sides can be prosecuted.

The cameras should run continuously and the footage stored and handled by an independent third party. This way it can be trusted and used in court.

Comment Good idea! (Score 2) 200

Nobody's using that crappy interface anyway. I use Windows 8.1 myself and it's fairly easy to completely hide almost all elements of that awful thing and stay completely in the classic desktop environment. With the addition of Start 8 you can have the START button back and disable all those useless 'charms' (stupid name too) and other 'modern' crap.

The classic Firefox works just fine on the desktop where it belongs, as do the other browsers by the way.

Comment Stupid beyond words (Score 0) 149

The idea might seem good until you realize that unless you have an army of thousands you cannot possibly manage to ask everyone in a wide shot for permissions and in wide shots it's hard to recognize anyone anyway... And if you take it literary a picture from inside a restaurant might include a window and people outside, including people in cars driving by... Good luck obtaining permission from them.

Comment Re:Stop (Score 1) 349

No it will try them in the order listed until it gets a 'response'; I think if it gets a response like SRVFAIL it will also continue trying the remaining servers, but if gets a incorrect NXDOMAIN it will trust that value and not try the remaining servers.

Not correct. It will trust the response if the Auth-flag is set. According to RFC1035 the Auth-flag must not be set with a NXDOMAIN response, but bind and others allow this to be configured.

Comment Re:Quick change needed [Re:Stop] (Score 1) 349

If you get a 404 not found, then you aren't having a DNS problem.

That is actually false - very much so actually.

Let's say you want to access and someone messes with the DNS and redirects the domain elsewhere where only a rudimentary webserver exists, one without the /page you requested. This will return a 404 and it is due to the altered DNS.

There is of course many other possible reasons for a 404, from the obvious removed page, over misconfigured webservers (wrong virtualhost answering, mod_rewrite errors, cache issues etc.) to proxy issues at both ends of the connection.

Comment Re:Stop (Score 1) 349

Stop using your ISP's DNS


I did that when a stupid court here in Denmark decided that our constitution and its absolute ban on censorship ("Grundloven", paragraph 77 to be precise) was less important than commercial interests and ordered ISP to set up DNS-bans on first, then The Pirate Bay and most recently sites selling pharmaceuticals from danish language shops located outside Denmark.

Not that I use any of these sites but when you start messing with stuff like this, it's far too easy to slide further down the slippery slope and remap other sites and similar. There's a reason the founders included a ban on censorship! - It's just too bad that modern courts seem to ignore the constitution when they issue rulings.

Comment Re:one simple question (Score 0) 417

It is simply unbelievable that the myth of sex being dangerous to children still persists!

The reality is, that if the children are too young, they neither understand nor care about sexual imagery in any form. If they're old enough, they're probably already seeking it out on their own. Massive studies in countries where hardcore porn has been available in shop windows and magazine racks in supermarkets for decades have shown that is has almost no effect what so ever on children and young adults - the only possible related effect seems to be a decrease in teenage pregnancy but it can be completely unrelated.

I think the danger posed by children having access to sexual imagery is that it can help de-tabuify sex, in particular the deviations that can scare teenagers into various closets. They need to find - as early as possible - that they're not alone. If they are able to look it up, they'll find that there are many others with the same kinks and desires as themselves, and they'll be able to find a local group where they can enjoy being like everybody else and feel normal.

Unfortunately almost all religions insists on strictly regulating everything relating to sex, and especially children and sex. The fact is that most people (both sexes) will tell you that their first sexual fantasy occurred as early as in in their preteens and the natural curiosity about this usually led them to seek out books and pictures, but for perhaps all their teens, access was hard, especially if the taste deviated from the mainstream. Even harder was access to knowledge about their brand of sex and sexual shame - a mainstay of many religions - can become fuel for runaway perversions and lay the foundation of abuse of the next generation.

The best solution is of course to rid of all the religious junk thought and to move on with a life of knowledge and reason, free from the scourge of religion.

Comment Re:In their defence. (Score 1) 417

Don't be quite so complacent in what you think students CAN'T do, especially saying "far beyond what students can do". When I was 16 I was writing assembly language competently, if I were 16 now, I would be (successfully) finding ways to tunnel stuff through normal HTTP traffic via a machine outside the network (it's not hard, certainly easier than learning asm). In a school of any appreciable size you'll have at least one student with the capability to do this.

Ditto. I was also around 15-16 (1981-82) when a friend and I disassembled CP/M completely, removed some stuff we didn't need (mostly related to harddrives), added a simple switcher and turned it into a primitive multitasking system able to run two programs at once (plus some common stuff), all within the 64KB limit on a Z80 processor. So please don't assume anything about students abilities. If you do, they'll end up biting you in the ass - hard.

Comment Re:Simply put... (Score 2) 310

Much more interesting is the discussion on the whole 'perpetual felon' idea. In my book you are a felon while serving your punishment or on parole, but once your debt is paid, you're a free man and should have all the same rights as anyone else, which include the right to vote and the right to own firearms. Only exception to this rule should be sex offenders who should be registered and pedophiles should be banned from working with children and living near schools and similar child-dense areas.

The felon restrictions doesn't make sense in themselves. If you drive drunk and kill someone, you're still allowed to buy new cars and to re-acquire your drivers license, but a felon cannot own firearms or vote for life even when all they did were fraud, counterfeiting or similar non-violent while-collar crime.

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