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Comment Re:What no Katz/Hassellton memorial? (Score 1) 207

Actually I'm surprised to not see this referenced. That one URL and it's historical relevance in how it pushed the evolution of highlighting, link shorteners and the entire arms race around link bating is significant. Slashdot even gets reference in the Wikipedia page on the URL.


Comment Re:My old PSP fat is awesome. this? Insightful?!?! (Score 1) 85

This is what qualifies for insightful these days? Really, this is just a spastic rant at Sony by someone who readily admits they buy no software for the system and use it as nothing more than a portable emulator for pirated 20+ year old console games.

The PSP had some amazing titles for it... some examples of just UMD releases to name just a few (and I'm not even counting several Mini's and other digital only titles, including PS1 games):

Patapon 1 & 2 (3 not so much)
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (3 excellent Casltevania games in one)
Little Big Planet
Phantasy Star Portable 1 & 2
Ridge Racer
Space Invaders Extreme
Ys series of games ...and best of all, you can get a component cable for the PSP and hook the system directly to your TV to play at 480P.

As for the rant about the Vita memory cards. The idea is not to get people on a new standard. The idea is to completely lock the Vita down and put the breaks on the rampant piracy the PSP had regardless of the reasons for the piracy.

Comment Re:Classic Slashdot (Score 4, Interesting) 463

I read Reddit and Hackernews for most of my tech news these days but have always fallen back to scanning Slashdot every day for the cream of the crop and to check the comments for interesting dialog because it was a lightweight, scan to get through the content.

I've gotta say, the Beta is pretty bad from a UX perspective and I would say that it is out of line with my perceptions of who a Slashdot user is.

It's like someone just said "this is trendy, make it happen" without any real consideration for the active user base. I can only hope that the feedback from the Beta supports my perception and they reverse on it, but I have to admit to myself that that's highly unlikely and I can say right now that it will very likely effect my visit frequency to the site.

Pretty bummed about it.

Comment Mission acomplished? Not even close. (Score 1) 312

Seriously. Nothing has changed yet. Sure a couple of U.S. companies have lost high profile contracts. But nothings changed. The NSA is still hoovering up all our data. Nothing has been shut down. Nobody has been held accountable... and the constant announcements have become just a steady noise for most people who are all out of shock juice because they haven't seen their friends and neighbors hauled off to jail for trumped up offenses.

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