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Comment Re:Ground-source heat pump FTW (Score 1) 165

This is what we had installed back in 2019 and don't regret it at all. They put 714 feet worth of pipe under the ground (two bore holes) which runs through the foundation to the heat pump. When its 100 we have no problem keeping the house around 70 and when its -10 we keep the house around 68 without issue. Definitely don't miss oil and natural gas.

Comment Nope... (Score 1) 122

I've been remote for around 8 years now with occasional travel to an office. I wouldn't trade it for anything other than a massive increase in salary. Not that it matters since my nearest office is 5 hours away in a different country.

The company I work for (software, about 500 employees) is taking an "if you want to" approach. Offices are opening, they'd like to see people but no plan to force people back. Considering that over the last 8 years we migrated heavily from a must be in office policy to almost 50% remote (including vps) it makes sense. I want to say maybe 5 years ago the company did surveys at each branch about satisfaction. Most offices ranged from 55% to 65% satisfied. They had remote do this I guess to not have us left out but the results ended up being something like 92% of remote employees were satisfied.

Comment Re: our local schools announce almost daily (Score 1) 138

I'm in NY and schools have been open although with various configurations depending on the school and local cases. My youngest has been in school every day since September with only two closings due to cases. My oldest has been full remote but could go in a hybrid option if we wanted.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 133

**: As an unreferenced footnote, fixed devices such as Chromecast should always have a hardwired option. Every other*** fixed device on my network is hard-wired; why should the Chromecast not be? I've never carried the Chromecast between TVs, although it's easy enough to do so.

We move ours all the time and don't have ethernet in most rooms of the house. I'd rather ethernet be optional to keep the footprint smaller.

Comment Re:PETA! HELP! (Score 1) 164

We do not know that they can eat a person. We know they can kill a person however our shoulders cause issues for any snake trying to swallow us whole. Beyond that they tend eat things smaller than us. Consuming a 200 pound animal makes it very difficult for the snake to react defensively or flee from any threats.
Relevant passage:
Many local stories and legends report the anaconda as a man-eater, but little evidence supports any such activity.

Regardless, this is stupid and it seems incredibly unlikely to be successful unless they found a horse jockey whose "snake proof suit" somehow can withstand the constriction while still being small enough to swallow.

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