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Comment Re:Relax.. Take a deep breath.. (Score 1) 347

The challenge vs skill image at sums this up I think - Anxiety happens because you're not in control (either you've not organised your thoughts/tasks as well as you need, or you haven't yet enough skill to be able to counteract it).

Exercise will help, but it won't get rid of the underlying reason for your anxiety. Find out what it is then determine how you can fix it.

The business will go on if you're not around for a day/week/month. Know this and stop holding everything on your own shoulders. Stop thinking about work out of work (turn your phone off when you're not in work (and not 'on call')) and enjoy life more.

Comment Re:Network meltdown due to hub cross-connects (Score 1) 305

Reading TFA, it was almost certainly because STP wasn't set up correctly. For instance, if the switchport in question had bpduguard enabled then it would have become disabled as soon as the erroneous hub was added, resulting in a localised issue not a network-wide problem.

It's an issue that many Network Engineers learn the hard way exactly once and fix quickly by reviewing their STP configuration and in many cases, introduce QoS for sanity.

"We didn't do an official lessons learned [exercise] after this, it was just more of a 'don't do that again,'" says Bowers

Well, apart from that guy.

Comment Re:It's already been stated... (Score 1) 312

You don't need to look at the source code to see what other products do. You just need to look at the ODF files they produce.

It seems you are missing the point of standards. Adherence to the letter of the standard should be all that is required. If this is not the case, then the standard is not well-defined enough.

However, for most standards (just read pretty much any RFC), you'll observe a bunch of new versions, iterations, minor amendments and such to get to something that is rigid enough to be relied on.

This is the necessary pain that ODF is currently going through.

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If a thing's worth doing, it is worth doing badly. -- G.K. Chesterton
