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Comment Re:ipv6 support on Cisco/Linksys routers (Score 1) 380

Nope, it's really not any easier; I just set mine up last week. What made it really difficult was that when you google "dd-wrt ipv6" you get a lot of different answers, and none of them are quite correct with current firmware. It took me a while to poke around enough and understand what was going on behind the scenes before I got it working the way I wanted.

(the other frustrating part was that apparently the broadcom-wl wireless driver I was using on my notebook does not recognize IPv6 multicast packets, so I spent two days trying to figure out why i wasn't getting router advertisements and why, when I gave myself a static IP, it stopped working a few minutes later -- my notebook didn't see the neighbor requests and never bothered to advertise itself to the network.)

It's pretty nice once it's working though; even my iphone is on IPv6 when I'm at home, much to my surprise. And since someone will probably ask; I'm using Hurricane Electric's free tunnel broker service.

Comment Re:ipv6 support on Cisco/Linksys routers (Score 1) 380

Netgear WNDR3700

Definitely a good choice; I just picked one up last week because I wanted IPv6 and my old Linksys only had 2 MB of flash. With the 8 MB in the Netgear I was able to load the entire "mega" build of dd-wrt and get pretty much anything I could want. For complex setups the importance USB support should not be overlooked either; the dd-wrt firmwares only support a 32k flash configuration partition and complex configurations can easily overrun this. When I bought the Netgear I slapped an old 1 gig thumbdrive on the back of the router and use it to store things like my OpenVPN certs that wouldn't fit in the 32k config flash.

Comment Re:Double Dipping? (Score 1) 315

Netflix traffic, in theory, is already paid for. L3 is being paid by Netflix to send the traffic, and Comcast customers are paying Comcast to receive it. What Time-Warner described sounds more like a transit peering arrangement, in which L3 is passing at least some traffic to Comcast that is not terminating on Comcast but on networks to which Comcast is connected. Maybe L3 and Comcast do in fact have a transit peering agreement in place, but it seems rather unlikely. Comcast isn't really in the long haul network business and I can't imagine anyone wanting to use them for transit, except maybe as an absolute last resort, such as during a mass outage caused by a backhoe apocalypse.

8-Year-Old Receives Patent 142

Knile writes "While not the youngest patent recipient ever (that would be a four year old in Texas), Bryce Gunderman has received a patent at age 8 for a space-saver that combines an outlet cover plate with a shelf. From the article: '"I thought how I was going to make a lot of money," Bryce said about what raced through his brain when he received the patent.'"

Comment Re:Article was ridiculously bad (Score 1) 384

Your history is off too. The VMS roots are even on their face only very lightly there (no code, they just hired a kernel team composed significantly of ex-VMS kernelfolk and some aspects of the VMS design went in), the BSD roots are hardly there at all, and the OS/2 roots were predominant.

Also, if you shift each letter in VMS one letter forward in the alphabet you get....WNT :)

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