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Comment Re:Podcast (Score 2) 88

First you're leaping to a conclusion that because body of scientific evidence doesn't support specific conclusion that it implies it's impossible or the scientific community is close minded. It just implies that good quality research is required to separate truth from trash.

Second you're repeating an inverted version of pessimistic meta-induction to support epistemic optimism but that is an inference about science in general, not specific results/outcomes/discoveries. To understand the flaw in this consider how many cranks compare themselves to Galileo.

Comment Re:Is visual field correction possible? (Score 1) 80

no, if you can't see well ~2 meters away without it you won't be able to see well inside of it. it's also optimized for minimal video latency. latency from additional video processing might trigger vr sickness unless there is something simple that could help. keeping in mind that with current technology the acuity will be significantly lower than normal eyes at that fixed focal distance

Comment Re:Latency? (Score 1) 25

it's in 35-55ms range under an ideal scenario which is acceptable enough for many. Wired VR can be under 20ms with good performance. I definitely wouldn't use Steam Link or Virtual Desktop on twitch games if I had a choice but it's the only choice if you only have a Quest. There's a lot of hyperbole on Reddit saying it's near displayport quality but I think most of those those people don't know any better (some people don't notice they are in reprojection, or the difference between 80 and 120hz refresh).

Image quality in static scenes can be quite good despite video compression - the issue is what the video looks like in motion. Sadly, many people are ok with blurry smearing in motion using sample and hold LCD tv at 60hz so to them it's just normal. And several of the high end wired VR headsets (Pimax Crystal, Varjo Aero) also don't have low persistence displays

Comment Re:TekSavvy (Score 1) 28

I was previously on Teksavvy via Rogers Cable but when fiber came to the area I switched to Bell. I do like supporting competition but 1000/50 cable that frequently had connection issues (slowness, dropouts, etc) vs 3000/3000 fiber is a no brainer. And the only downtime I've had on fiber is when the router was a bit flaky and had to reboot. So yeah... it had to happen otherwise the third party providers were dead in a lot of cities

Comment Re:More anti-features from nvidia? (Score 1) 131

no sleight of hand. they are just confused because of bad nvidia naming scheme. this came up in the discussion referenced in the article. the nvidia employee claimed enthusiasts would know the difference and talk about subfeatures like frame generation, ray reconstruction, etc but more than likely they aren't disentangling it because the confusion helps them in self serving ways e.g. on Nvidia YouTube channel they post before and after DLSS frame generation video comparisons without explaining it isn't a direct like for like comparison

Comment Re: Switch to something that's free as in freedom. (Score 1) 34

shield 2019 pro plays everything perfectly with plex. the only issue is possibly if you have constrained bandwidth where spikes (from e.g. blu-ray remuxes) may cause an issue with frame drops etc. I've heard some other players like infuse may be slightly better (not sure if it's because they have a newer version of mpv or they just sip from buffer a bit different)

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