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Submission + - The other Russian cyberattack that never happened (muckrock.com)

v3rgEz writes: Earlier this week, the Washington Post made headlines of its own for reporting that “intelligence sources” were saying Russia had hacked into the U.S. power grid, which is a thing that did not happen. In fact, this wasn't even the first time it hadn't happened — just five years ago, a Senate report tore into Homeland Security for making the same claims with even less evidence. Will legislators ever learn?

Submission + - Apple Music and the terrible return of DRM (theverge.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Apple's rumored music streaming service looks set to materialize soon, and a lot of people are talking about how good it might be. But Nilay Patel is looking at the other side — if the service fits with Apple's typical mode of operation, it'll only work with other Apple products. "That means I'll have yet a fourth music service in my life (Spotify, Google Play Music, Prime, and Apple Music) and a fourth set of content exclusives and pricing windows to think about instead of just listening to music." He points out Steve Jobs's 2007 essay on the state of digital music and notes that Jobs seemed to feel DRM was a waste of time — something forced on Apple by the labels. "But it's no longer the labels pushing DRM on the music services; it's the services themselves, because locking you into a single ecosystem guarantees you'll keep paying their monthly subscription fees and hopefully buy into the rest of their ecosystem. ... Apple Music might be available on Android, but it probably won't be as good, because Apple wants you to buy an iPhone. ... There's just lock-in, endless lock-in. Is this what we wanted?"

Comment Re:Officials say? (Score 1) 644

The US has the best health system in the world, what it is lacking is access to it for certain people. If the US system is so bad, why do we see all the really sick people from the socialized medicine countries coming here for treatment when things get really bad? http://blog.heritage.org/2010/02/09/the-canadian-patients%E2%80%99-remedy-for-health-care-go-to-america/

Comment Re:Can't offer much (Score 2) 509

There is a not a single language used in the last 30 years that is not still being used somewhere. There are many businesses out there still running on RPG, COBOL and FORTRAN. If that person is good at what he knows, he will always be able to find a job. It may not be a "sexy" job to the 20-something crowd, but if he had a family, a job where his coding skills are appreciated, that only demands 9-5, is probably far more attractive to him anyway. I have seen many people throughout my career move into companies like that and be perfectly happy when I switched over to management instead.

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