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Comment idk.. (Score 1) 426

I've been in the situation where a manager in a crunch period really slowed the whole thing down because they were demanding explanations of every check-in. I've also had the experience of having a technical manager save the team no end of hassle by running interference and buffering us from the political realities even higher up the chain in crunch periods; in those cases the manager was technical enough to just let us get on with it.


Churches Use Twitter To Reach a Wider Audience 169

In an attempt to reverse declining attendance figures, many American churches are starting to ask WWJD in 140 or fewer characters. Pastors at Westwinds Community Church in Michigan spent two weeks teaching their 900-member congregation how to use Twitter. 150 of them are now tweeting. Seattle's Mars Hill Church encourages its members to Twitter messages during services. The tweets appear on the church's official Twitter page. Kyle Firstenberg, the church's administrator, said,"It's a good way for them to tell their friends what church is about without their friends even coming in the building."

Comment In Non-Soviet Russia, the OS Writes You! (Score 1) 242

Why would they base their OS on somebody else's distribution? I thought Russia didn't need help, weren't invalids and didn't have limited mental capacity? I figured that a bare chested, gun totin' Putin would write the OS from scratch himself after using his mad Judo skills to teach a bear why nobody should talk wise to the past and future President of Russia.

Comment Midnight Commander is nice; Worker is better. (Score 3, Interesting) 304

While I'll be glad to see the resurrection of Midnight Commander, I'm not chomping at the bit because I think that the Worker file manager is a much better alternative. Its design will be immediately recognizable to those who have spent any time with the Amiga because it is based on (which is a nice way of saying it's a virtual copy of) Directory Opus. Check it out. You won't be disappointed.

Comment SICP (Score 1) 452

Gerald Sussman and Harold Abelson's MIT course "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" is the best beginner's course I've ever seen anywhere. It starts at the beginning and ends up with advanced subjects like closures, and functional composition, building every concept in small pieces with clear examples. Plus the material is freely available, and there's video of Sussman giving the course to a bunch of hilariously dressed HP engineers in the eighties some time.

Comment Opt Out (Score 1) 225

Yes, it's obnoxious and offensive and worth pointing out that at the bottom of their 'helpful' page is a link marked LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PAGE which gives the following explanation:

These search results were provided because the domain name you entered into the address bar is either improperly formatted, currently unavailable, nonexistent, or part of a key word search. Rogers Supported Search Results is a service designed to enhance your web surfing experience by eliminating many of the error pages you encounter as you surf.

No software was installed on your computer for this service to work.

Click here if you would no longer like to receive the Rogers Supported Search Results service.

Now for the best part. All that links does is display this custom error page (with the help of a delightful cookie, no less). Rogers has dug out a crawl space under their all time low. What a bunch of idiots.


Submission + - DJB releases qmail to the public domain (

fade writes: "In a post on the qmail website, Daniel J. Bernstein released the second most popular mail transport agent on the internet to the public domain... a complete 180 from the license he has used for qmail since it's inception. This means that 'free as in speech' distros can pull qmail out of the doghouse of restricted repositories and bizarre binary source-only metabuilders. Good news for admins that braved licensing insanity because qmail is possibly the single most finished (feature complete, bug free) and performant mailer available."

Submission + - the largest non-commercial rocket launch in Europe

jaweekes writes: The TV program "Top Gear" recently launched the "largest non-commercial rocket launch in European history" in the form of a rocket-propelled Reliant Robin. From the article /shuttle.shtml "What could possibly be so difficult about building a space shuttle? Quite a lot, as it turns out. This was easily Top Gear's most ambitious film and, while everything didn't go quite according to plan, we're still very proud of the results. Here are just a few of the things that happened when we tried to put an ageing three-wheeler into space."

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