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Comment Re:BSD license was always more permissive, so grea (Score 2) 808

Some developers are very happy to have their work included in something and used widely. BSD makes companies include an acknowledgement of the use of your work, so you can know you made that project happen. Presumably, if a lot of money is being made by some company that includes your free software, you've helped build something cool that people want. I think a lot of developers see GPL as a "taking my toys and going home" license which discourages free use. If you weren't going to make a million dollar idea with your software, why stop someone else?

Do you get the cash? No. Are your motives really that good if you opened your software only to make money? No. Does a commercial venture using your code prevent free projects from springing up around your work and building the same things as you could if you'd GPL'd it? No.

Comment You don't need Safari for this (Score 2, Informative) 210

I've been using this site for much longer than Safari has had this feature:

Does the same thing with no browser extension. You just drop it into your shortcuts on the title bar and it cleans up many webpages. Not perfect, but so much easier than blinking flash crap.

If people want you to not block their ads, make the site readable with the ads on it.

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Adding features does not necessarily increase functionality -- it just makes the manuals thicker.
