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Comment Re:Wrong Subsection (Score -1) 704

Oh, I understand how argument works -- AC is dragging out the old argument that we don't need to listen to someone's complaints because they're victimized more than other people. It's the same tired excuse that defenders of biggots have always relied on.

Maybe if you spent a little less time being condescending ass on the internet, you'd notice that this pattern is neither new nor a valid argument.

Comment Re:Wrong Subsection (Score 0, Flamebait) 704

The small sub-section of Professional Victims who love to always complain should take a hike for once.

It's almost like there's a reason some people are victimized more than others. But no, let's blame the victims instead of the people causing the harm, because it's easier to be an Internet Contrarian (TM) than to actually think about the issues.

Comment Re:I'm with Google... (Score 1) 240

And adopting and modifying GTK-3 seems like a battered woman going back to her abusive husband... The FSF has a sorry track record of destroying everything they touch, and the GPLv3 getting forced on all their software is making individuals and companies run for the hills at a record pace.

You can't blame FSF for what happened to GTK3. Besides, GTK3 is licensed under LGPL 2.

No, if you want to point fingers at GTK3, blame the developers. Also note that GTK's developers do all their work from the command line -- not exactly the people you want designing a GUI toolkit.

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