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Comment Re:Electronic gadgetry used wrong (Score 1) 568

Lets be clear almost every job has non-reimbursable training and supplies that are required to stay competitive and employable. I have never had any of my certification class paid for by a company. I am always maintaining servers to improve and change my skill sets that are outside of the company so I can be more marketable or can make my job easier.

I think this is where most non-unionized and unionized employees have a significant breakdown seeing eye to eye. I feel it is my responsibility to do these things not the role of my employer.

Comment Re:Dead people voting? (Score 1) 140

Actually most fingerprint scanners can detect heat and need fresh oil. While it is possible as proven in nigeria most high quality devices are able to detect non-living fingers.

As far as the myth busters episode fingerprint scanners and software are set at a range of false acceptance rates vs false rejection rates. The lower the false acceptance rate the more false rejects you have. The device they used had a very high false acceptance rate meaning it was easy to fool ... it also was a cheap capacity device not an optical such as the ones used in most government applications.

Comment Massive... this is nothing (Score 2) 140

We enrolled almost 150M in a 18 months in UID/Aadhaar. 180M is just the testing phase for a MASSIVE program. By 2018 UID will have covered almost all of the 1.2 Billion Indians and we are capturing all 10 fingers, both irises and a high resolution photo of every India deduplicated and verified. Now that is Massive.

Comment Re:LIve Sports (Score 1) 697

Live sports is difficult but for the NFL there is NFL gamepass for international users that streams full HD live of all games. It is Awesome. Yes it is $100+ for the year but you also get all the nfl channel content as well. I think it is an additional $40 for the playoffs and superbowl. You can also just buy the games or the teams you want to watch.

I have done this for two years and it is much better than watching it on normal cable. When I am back in the states I just route my traffic through a proxy setup in Singapore or France.


Yellowstone Supervolcano Larger Than First Thought 451

drewtheman writes "New studies of the plumbing that feeds the Yellowstone supervolcano in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park shows the plume and the magma chamber under the volcano are larger than first thought and contradicts claims that only shallow hot rock exists. University of Utah research professor of geophysics Robert Smith led four separate studies that verify a plume of hot and molten rock at least 410 miles deep that rises at an angle from the northwest."

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