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Comment Re:Stack Overflow reputation (Score 1) 285

Stack Overflow reputation indicates that you're a 1337 documentation writer, not necessarily that you know how to program.

You can infer the later from the quality and technical depth of the former. You can't routinely create highly technical programming responses without having the programming skills and experience to go with them.

Comment Re:Github Followers (Score 1) 285

Funny you mention that. I was just looking over some gigs on Craigslist. I clicked an ad for a "Magento/Joomla Developer" and the first thing they list in the requirements is, "Strong Project Management Abilities".

I sort of feel like emailing them so I can ask why they want their developer to also be the project manager ... it's a rhetorical question since the ad is for a "boutique ad agency".

If you are a team lead developer, you better have some project management skills. Once you start working with code masses beyond a certain size and complexity, you enter the realm of engineering, with coding being an important but not the only skill required. Management and organizational skills are paramount in such circumstances.

Crapware is created not just because of a lack of good coding skills, but also because of lack of organizational skills.

Comment Re:Actually makes good sense (Score 1) 702

obviously its a first world problem, big fucking deal. if we had to worry about getting parasites from standing in other people's shit to do our business then we would complain about that instead. people complain about things that bother them, so what's your point?

The point is that you should get some fucking perspective, and complain the most about abuse of authority and the efficiency (or lack thereof) of our security apparatus (important) and a lot less about issues of comfort (non-important, bullshit.) Former == have a conscience and a functioning brain. Later == Irrelevant Kim Kardashian bullcrap.

Comment Re:seems like snowden did the exact same thing. (Score 2) 95

Well: * The documents are being revealed to the public now and document events from 30-40 years ago. * These are documents that he personally worked with, rather than a cache of documents acquired for the purpose of copying and releasing them. * There's no question, I think, that this guy was a spy and defector. He was moved from Russia to the UK with the help of UK intelligence agencies in exchange for Russian secrets. Nobody's trying to claim that he's a "whistleblower". No comment on his actions or motivations vs. Snowden's, but they are potentially substantially different. * This guy is dead.

Up to you to decide if any of these are substantive differences and why, but there are distinct differences.

Your answer makes too much sense, and it was not marinated in bullshit sauce at all. That is not how we post replies in slashdot!(10+1)

Comment Re: Marty! (Score 2) 564

Apparently the early script drafts had a more plausible explanation: that the spare brain capacity of humans in a dream-like state was used as processing power to run the AIs. One of the editors thought this was too complicated for a movie-going audience to understand and so replaced it with a magic perpetual motion machine.

Comment Re:AI is always "right around the corner". (Score 3, Interesting) 564

Translation is like predicting the weather. If you want to do an okay job of predicting the weather, predict either the same as this day last year or the same as yesterday. That will get you something like 60-70% success. Modelling local pressure systems will get you another 5-10% fairly easily. Getting from 80% correct to 90% is insanely hard.

For machine translation, building a database of 3-grams or 4-grams and just doing simple pattern matching (which is what Google Translate does) gets you 70% accuracy quite easily (between romance languages, anyway. It really sucks for Japanese or Russian, for example). Extending the n-gram size; however, quickly hits diminishing returns. Your increases in accuracy depend on a corpus and when you get to the size of n-gram where you're really accurate, you're effectively needing a human to have already translated each sentence.

Machine-aided translation can give huge increases in productivity. Completely computerised translation has already got most of the low-hanging fruit and will have a very difficult job of getting to the level of a moderately competent bilingual human.

Comment Re:Just think of what you can do with this! (Score 3, Insightful) 122

The power consumption of the RPi (especially if you're not using the GPU) is tiny in comparison to anything with motors in it. I'd rather trade a slight reduction in battery life for being able to use a rich programming environment than save a few mW and be forced into a constrained microcontroller development environment. It might be different if I were planning on mass producing a few thousand and needed to save costs, but for a hobby project or even a prototype I'd happily overprovision on CPU power.

Comment Re:Only in America (Score 1) 187

That would be great if the government paid for treatment for alcoholics, counseling for family wrecked by alcohol use, covered medical expenses for people who drink, cover damages by drink drivers, paid for medical expenses by people hurt by someone who was drunk, etc

That's a non-sequitur. The cost is born by society. Government is the name of the body that we elect to represent society. If taxing an activity reduces it, which, in turn, reduces a cost that is born by society, then the government has done its job. The point of such taxation is to reintroduce externalities into the costs, so that the market will correctly adjust.

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