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Comment Re:Not a final decision (Score 1) 228

I would argue parlimentary democracies, like UK and even more so Canada, concentrate a huge amount of power in their prime minister. Being that the government leader is elected by the legislative branch and is usually the head of his party. The legislative and executive branches power is largely consolidated in one person.

Then you could go even further with things like single party democracies, or point out Putin was democratically elected.

Comment I assume this was funded by the coal companies (Score 1) 238

This article assumes 2% of the methane is leaked as their conservative estimate. That seems really high. They also assume coal mining releases no methane, an insane assumption. What do you think the canary in coal mines was for, other gases too, but I'm sure they were all green house safe. A lot or industrial chemistry makes methane. When they flare it the whole point is to not release, but to burn it off making it safer, hence the name flare, like fire.

Then they compare it to some mythical clean coal.

Straw man vs titanium man.

Comment Edison Screw (Score 3, Insightful) 267

Sounds reasonable, but probably pointless. There is very little economic incentive to continue manufacturing the bulbs they banned. Just stopping the manufacturing , the existing inventory problem would solve itself.

I am just glad they are not trying to ban the Edison screw like California did with the GU24 debacle. Who thought deprecating 100 years of light fixtures would result in less waste?

Comment PHI tiling (Score 1) 114

I have been thinking about this for a while an interesting idea for a tiling window manager would be to render all windows to a square size and use the golden ratio to arrange them into a golden rectangle. You render them into a square the size of the largest square and use a compositor to scale the others down. Then use hot keys to rotate the windows thru the spiral to change windows. You could have config options to start top/left or bottom/right and whether to spiral CW or CCW. You could have the window manager insert thin borders around the squares or the free space inorder to push the freespace toward the golden ratio. And you could block out a space for a panel on the side or bottom, default to making freespace more golden. There are lots of corner cases to consider but it would be fun to try if I had unlimited time to code it up.

Comment Re: No, will dry up now (Score 1) 360

If a medicine is approved by the FDA for a use in the USA, it was required to prove it works for that use. Many would argue that if anything the FDA is too restrictive by international standards. For example, the AstroZeneca vaccine remains "illegal" here, even though we bought enough to vaccinate the entire population.

Some might argue that "better" of course cost more, but "better" is a pretty broad term, So I won't make that argument.

It could probably be more directly argued that the high US health care cost subsidize cheap health care around the world, as international medical companies know the US market will pay for them to develop new treatments. And products that have already had their development costs paid can be sold to more cost conscience markets, as the per item production costs are low. Sort of like the movie industries reasoning behind DVD region coding but at the national level. The market of 10k people willing to spend $10 are not going to have as much impact on a product as a market 100K willing to spend $100, but if production only costs $2 it is going to be available to them for $10 eventually.

Comment Re:Something like this should be a crime. (Score 1) 148

It is unlikely that a shower head has the same flow rate as a tub spigot? Next time you are filling the bath tub fill it with the shower and see how much longer it takes. Or the next time you are showering take a shower with the tub drain closed and see how much water is in the tub when you are done.

If they are the same rate you may want to invest in a lower flow rate shower head.

Comment Re:I'd like to see that math! (Score 1) 127

I assume the argument relies on not looking at the AppStore as a reseller (which it really isn't), but more like a go between, like a real estate agent. it doesn't cost them anything to sell you a game or not. Their costs are keeping up the infrastructure to connect customers to the Apps they want to purchase. And the cost on that could be quite low. So if it costs 1megabucks to run the app store and they make 4megabucks, it could be argued they have a 75% margin on running the appstore.
Thinking of this in terms of traditional reseller breaks down even more when you consider that they charge for the ability to be listed in there store. So really there margin is highest on free apps no one buys ($100/$0).

Comment Re:Sometimes a slap on the wrist works. (Score 4, Interesting) 83

Lots of reasons not to punish them:
1) It is basically unenforceable by the kernel community.
2) It punishes far more innocent people than guilty people, just by association
3) It seems that those involved get the point that they messed up
4) Why feed the fires of discontent and create bad blood.
5) It is just bad economics. The kernel team has always been about pragmatics and it costs them time to try to police this and cost them potential good developers.
6) Forgiveness is good for the soul. It feels a lot better to forgive people than obsess over how much you've been wronged.

Comment An approach with better optics? (Score 1) 112

Rather than limiting the percentage that could go to charity they should have put a minimum dollar amount that can go to HB and the Developer. then make the charity % slider log scale above 50% and people can scroll the percentage up forever just increasing what they pay.

Limiting the % (particularly so low) makes them look petty. saying we need to make some money on these transactions may be more palatable. and why does HB care if someone gives them $10 and charity $1000 or gives them $10 and charity $1?

It has been a long time since I bought anything thru humble bundle though.

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