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Comment No one (Score 0) 341

Gives a shit if you ban some app, that ban isn't going to stem the tide of destroyed business models based on protectionist regulations, we'll write a new app before the sun is up, so waste your time putting greasy pens to parchment drafting the next trough filling regulations.

Comment RDP (Score 1) 183

Personally I'd have a netbook... In a Lab (Garage, whatever) I'd have the Oscilloscope/Logic Analyzers meters power supplies etc... connected to a Beefy desktop with plenty of RAM for running VM's so I don't stuff around with the build environment. When coding just remote (SSH/RDP/whatever) to the VM of choice. You don't mention price so stick solar panels, batteries and inverters on it till you're sub 5W.

Submission + - heartbleed patched already on OSS pfSense

Adam writes: pfSense® software includes the features typical in expensive commercial firewalls, pfSense release 2.1.2 follows less than a week after pfSense release 2.1.1. pfSense 2.1.2 is primarily a security release.
Security Fixes

The Heartbleed OpenSSL bug and another OpenSSL bug which enables a side-channel attack are both covered.

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