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Comment There are no free markets (Score 4, Insightful) 551

There are no free markets. There are only markets controlled by governments and markets controlled by customers. The markets controlled by customers work out pretty well for customers. The markets controlled by governments work out pretty well for governments and the politicians that run them and the lobbyists who fund them and the corporations who make money because the politicians control the markets in their favor.

Comment Re:Good, Unlimited is a Fantasy (Score 1) 319

Actually, there *is* such a thing as unlimited Internet. You have a certain bandwidth limit, and you are allowed to suck down data all day long at that rate. Trouble is that's not an efficient use of their network, nor your time. People usually want high speed when they want it, and are willing to put up with total download amounts rather than being speed limited.

So, 5GB == 40Gbits/month = 1.3Gbits/day = 55Mbits/hour = 15Kbps **unlimited** (like, really, completely unlimited, download at 15kbps all day long).

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