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Comment Re:ACtual ChatGPT Dialogue for a polhostage situat (Score 1) 31

I would continue that statement

"... if you just give up and let everyone go. We can find a solution together! Ideally one that doesn't end with me and the rest of my pack pulverizing those puny strands of calcium that keeps your bag of human meat functional!"

or maybe this will be the reason we start giving the robots guns (eventually somebody is going to think it is a good idea.

I was more expecting it to be used in a bank robber, tbh..

Comment Re: Wow is Larry ever tired of being wrong? (Score 3, Informative) 253

Any time I read a comment like by the above, complaining about a well used stack with problems multiple times per week, all I can think is PEBKAC.

I recently ran into a shop that was rebooting their win 2012r2 boxes Sunday nights bc they were 'unreliable'..

People know what they are comfortable with. And, afaict, dont bother reading error messages they don't expect. (if anybody has managed to write an error message that people will read and correct based on, I would love to know your voodoo.) similar to how people alway blame the network.. (hint, it isn't the network)

Comment Re:now that everyone knows (Score 2) 236

well, since the cat is out of the bag, only idiots will be caught.

I would suggest that is the reason this is a story, so everyone knows. It is probably most valuable as a tale told at the depot, 'you know they have dummy packages that are out to get you if you mess up'. It keeps people in line thinking that the man is watching for a mistake (when it was really probably a coding error somewhere)

Comment Re:I can't even imagine... (Score 1) 197

I am not sure about this town in particular but many small towns have a significant problem retaining their population, particularly the youth and especially if the economy is stagnant. (it's why I am no longer in my 5k town in the mountains). Having a thriving economy isn't everything but it is an important component to keeping a town alive.

Comment Re: Net Neutrality (Score 1) 264

I often blame our inability to see beyond simple good and evil to our (my) cultural background of being raised around a monotheistic religion. It neatly divides everything. If it isn't a it must be b. I have a fantasy that pantheistic cultures are less blindsided about it but I could be wrong and we are all just blind.

Comment Re:you either keep control or you lose it, no both (Score 1) 280

First off, good post. Secondly, I'll admit that I am not up to date on the latest proposals (which is why i was reading this, actually). That said...

I don't see it the same way. I thought the worry was that the major ISPs would charge the sites for preferential access. So you sign on w/ comcast and cnn is fast but craigslist is slow. Some, like facebook and google, are probably big enough that comcst wouldn't dare charge but there is a large middle ground that would think it is worthwhile marketing to get faster access for comcast customers and would pay the vig.

The problem, in my mind, is that it ups the cost to compete. So the smaller sites, or ones just starting out have a larger burden to overcome.

Because the internet is just pipes, over time, i expect the non prioritized traffic to have such a narrow bandwidth allocation as to approach unusable.

My biggest worry is not that new sites can't flourish, though that is a problem. My biggest worry is that newer protocols and uses for the network will be starved b/c the academics/college kids/bored teenagers/decentralized user groups won't be able to pay.

I don't think we have 'finished' evolving the usages of the network and I think this has a chilling effect on that evolution.

As an aside, all of this would be moot if we had competition at the last mile, which is really what we should be arguing about.

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