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Comment How is this any different from any other job? (Score 3, Insightful) 282

Seriously you are hired to make a program for a company. They want features X Y and Z. You decide to put in Features for A B and C that they didn't ask for nor do they want. So they have you remove it.

Imagine going to a play and one of the performers decide they want to talk about something other than the play in the middle.

De Niro was hired to promote a movie. He is free to expel whatever words from his mouth on his own time. Apple wants him to represent them not Robert De Niro

Comment Re:This is the guy... (Score 2, Informative) 304

Sorry dstwins but you need to look some definitions and some information.

1:COVID was an airborne virus. The only masks that offered any protection were N95 KN95 or higher rating. The virus could slip through surgical, cloth, and other masks. Again unless the infected person was wearing an N95, KN95 or higher rating they may as well not wear anything at all. If non infected people wear wearing anything less than an N95 of KN95 they were useless. It would be like putting plastic wrap over your eyes to see under water.

3: Oxford definition:
Vaccine: a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

A vaccine is a substance introduced into someone's body to prevent them from getting a specific disease.

vaccine, suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins or other biological preparation, such as those consisting of antibodies, lymphocytes, or messenger RNA (mRNA), that is administered primarily to prevent disease.

Oxford definition:
Immunity: the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.

I have yet to see a "vaccine" that neither prevented the disease nor prevented the spread of the disease. Not unless you change the definition.

4: It's zoonotic not zoological

As for Hospitals being overrun. Every state ignored the preplans established post 9/11. Field hospitals were supposed to be set up and infected patients were supposed to be brought to the field hospitals. This would keep the hospitals open for other emergencies. Instead they opened field hospitals and would not let us bring patients there. It was bad optics. They wanted to show that the hospitals could handle this without being overwhelmed.
Bad news for you when hospitals are closing offices, cafeterias, conference rooms etc... to convert them to patient space, they are overwhelmed.

Comment Honestly 8 ft is not enough (Score 1) 154

I don't know the police point of view on this, but as a paramedic all these phone video warriors are a huge hinderance to our job.
We are required by law to protect a patients privacy. In a home that is easy. When we get called to a public place and have people with phones all over us it's a legal nighmare for us. The best we can do is ask them to step away. We are then forced to move the patient without fully assessing if it is safe to do so to the ambulance.
Change this to an MVA where they actually get in the way of patient care. Then god forbid after asking them to move so you can do something and you hit them with a piece of equipment they claim assault and "police brutality".

I have had issues where as we go to move the patient I sling a trauma bag over my shoulder and hit the idiot 6 inches behind me filming.

It's all well and good for them to exercise their right to record, but what about the patients right to privacy? These people are in very vulnerable positions, in some cases near death and now if they survive they know somewhere out there is a video of this. It's PTSD inducing for them. Because they are in a public space they have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Comment They show the science every year and it's ignored (Score 1) 188

The science has been here for years.
For weeks after the time shift there is an increase in:
Heart attacks, Pulmonary embolisms, Strokes, Car accidents, Trauma.

There is a decrease in productivity,

This has been the argument for years to stop this madness, and every year their are lawmakers who bring it up, it makes news for a week and then dies without a vote. Then every year the movement "gains more steam" per the press.

Report it when it actually goes to a vote.

Comment same thing happened in NY back in March-May (Score 1) 312

It was of course never publicized because the staff felt horrible, but on the COVID wards everyone was basically a DNR. If they coded no effort was made to revive them. The bed and Vents were needed for patients that may survive. It's called Triage. In EMS they were telling people to go to urgent care centers or their Private MD's to keep the hospitals from getting worse. A protocol even came out (and hit the news and the outrage was huge) for EMS to not work up any arrests that weren't witnessed. The protocol was quickly pulled. Then months later Cuomo claimed Hospitals were never overwhelmed because the field hospitals weren't used. They weren't used so he could make this statement months later. EMS was supposed to transport COVID patients to the field hospitals so the hospitals could take care of the typical heart attacks and strokes without contaminating the whole hospital with COVID. Public appearance and spin control was more important than actual lives.

Comment Re:Not based on science. (Score 1) 465


I said this when the "law" came out. As much as Cuomo touts he applies science he does it with all the scientific accuracy of using a 100L bucket to fill test tubes with 2cc's of fluid. His application of restrictions have been very arbitrary. I am a Paramedic I saw first hand how bad it is. By applying these rules arbitrary instead of with consistency he invites challenges and gives people a reason to disobey.

There needs to be a X number of people per y square feet rule and that would at least make sense to most people and they may actually follow rules.

Comment Problem is all it takes is a customer complaint. (Score 1) 73

Amazon does not verify that an item is counterfeit. All they do is wait for a customer complaint then suspend the item or seller. The seller then has to jump through hoops to prove that the item is genuine and the customer just wants a free item. This system has also been weaponized by Chinese sellers to shut down competition. They claim to be the rights holder and file take down notices for similar products or any competition. Even a letter from the actual rights holder is not enough in some cases.

Comment Re:Disagree with this one (Score 1) 514

The sad part is the majority of this country does not know how our government works.

It is the duty of the Legislative branch (congress) to pass laws, which they can't seem to do

It is the duty of the Executive branch (president) to enforce the laws passed by the Legislative branch. Believe it or not Trump is basically doing a Malicious compliance thing with most of his actions. He is trying to force congress to do their job by enforcing laws that they refuse to change. Yep he is being an asshole about it, he has the diplomatic ability of a hyena.

Every executive order can be revoked by congress passing a law to counter it. Executive orders are only made to be temporary until congress acts. It's called checks and balances.

Unfortunately what we have devolved into is a congress that can't agree on anything, so laws are made by executive order and Judicial decision. Our government is so broken the only thing that can fix it is to get all the bums outta congress and start fresh with new people. Unfortunately over time it will just devolve into what we have now again.

Comment 10% have electricity in some countries. (Score 1) 235

Last time I checked you need electricity to run AC units. Yes I know 10% is the low end of the spectrum but for the whole continent 60% of the population is without Electricity.
  Only 42% have access to running water.
This reminds me of the old joke about the scientist and the frog. Scientist cuts 1 leg off and tells frog to jump, frog jumps. Cuts another leg off and tells frog to jump, frog jumps. Cuts the 3rd leg off tells frog to jump, frog jumps. Cuts 4th leg off and tells frog to jump, nothing happens. He again tells frog to jump, nothing happens. The scientist writes in his notes "cut 4 legs off frog and frog becomes deaf.

Comment Re:It's unconstitutional (Score 1) 71

I am sure you have a ton of experience filling out the forms and know exactly how much an accounting system costs. If you had read you would have seen that I have software that keeps track of how much I have to pay. NYS won't just accept the software though. You have to fill out the forms either online or on paper and submit the forms.
And as others have said, Washington state taxpayers are supposed to pay their own taxes and submit it, why should I do the work of Washington state to police their citizens.

Comment It's unconstitutional (Score 2) 71

States do not have the right to tax interstate commerce. That is right out of the constitution just like the feds can't tax intrastate commerce. The exception is as others have stated is the Nexus rule. I should not have to collect/pay taxes for a jurisdiction that is thousands of miles away from my only location. As for Ebay. technically they don't sell anything, they provide a platform for others to sell. Their interest is in having to create code that would collect tax for the 1151 different tax jurisdictions that make up this nation. If the Washington law passes and holds up in court (which it won't) it would be a nightmare for Ebay to set this up for their sellers. They already allow their sellers to collect sales tax for where they are located.

It creates a ridiculous amount of paperwork for a business.
I am located in NYS I collect sales tax based on the tax jurisdiction where I am located. It takes me about 10 min a quarter to do the paperwork. There are about 50 different sales tax rated in NY. Imagine if I had to collect different rates based on where the buyer resides, fill out 50 collection forms a quarter and write 50 checks to them. While there is software to collect tax so you just have to punch in the numbers on the form it still takes about 10 min. Now multiply that by 1151 tax jurisdictions nationwide. It would take a business 11510 min/ 192 hours / 8 days / 24 8 hour shifts just to fill out all the paperwork for collection of sales tax. That's 5 weeks of work for 1 person and would go beyond the last day to submit the forms in most places (they give you about 1 month).

No business will stand for this, there will be massive lawsuits which will waste millions of taxpayer funds to shoot down a law that is known to be unconstitutional. If it was legal it would have been done years ago. Ebay's interest again is in not having to spend the money for a lawsuit for this.

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