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Comment Re: Will israel always be protected by the US? (Score -1, Flamebait) 150

Israel killed dozens of American sailors in 1967, when they gunned-down, fired rockets at, and then napalmed the USS Liberty in international waters, after first jamming their emergency frequencies.

Israel can pound sand. They have never been anything but an albatross around our neck, and we would be better off, and richer, if we let them defend their own colonial, ethnic-cleansing asses against the millions of enemies they have created over 70 years.

Comment Don't let toxic masculinity kill you (Score 2) 194

So, my (M/54) story.

In Summer of 2017, a friend passed from cancer. A few weeks later was his memorial, and I took a few hours off from work to attend it. Before heading out, my boss asked me to haul a rotating display rack down from the loft. I was pissed, because on an already depressing day, now I had to deal with pulling an upper back muscle on top of everything else. It ached just like when I pulled a back muscle in high school, which I never forgot. I knew it would be with me a while, just as it was then. Man, my boss was a see you next tuesday.

I headed to the memorial, and, despite doing the standard stretching, twisting, and self-kneading to ease it, the pain would not give. The memorial event was over-attended (he was a great guy) for the venue size, and I arrived too late to get a seat indoors. So, I sat outside with the dozen or so other mourners, in the afternoon summer sun. And I could NOT f#cking get rid of the muscle pain. My brain started unconsciously doing certain calculations and comparisons, and it suddenly occurred to me that this might be a cardiac issue. So, I sat there, in a growing panic, while formulating my next steps: I would leave to head back to work (and air conditioning, which my car did not have), and maybe eat something. Yeah, that was it! I needed AC and food! So, I had some food and chilled in the AC at work, where the symptoms gradually eased and eventually went away.

One week later, I was getting ready for bed, and I got the same pain. Then, I also had other symptoms that I didn't associate with heart attacks, so I was damned confused. Therefore, I consulted Dr. Google, and I was reading symptoms on some hospital websites. They all seemed to have the same info (not entirely matching mine), until I got to the last one before heading to the ER. Yes, it had ALL the same damned symptoms listed, but, at the bottom of the page, it said that women have certain different symptoms, and I thought it must suck for women, because medicine is weighted for men, which means female symptoms get short shrift. Being naturally a curious minded individual, I read the ladies' reported rare symptoms.


A tiny voice--a tiny, toxic masculine voice--in my head, said, "but, Paul, you aren't a chick! Don't fail your balls!" And, after the slightest hesitation, I said back, "fuck you, you toxic little shit, but fuck you LATER, because I gotta get to the ER now."

In short, I was having about the worst heart attack you can have. It is usually fatal as fucking fuck, which is why they call it the "widow maker." I honestly would be dead right now, had I dismissed the reported female symptoms to protect my masculinity. Thank god I had the sense to just run with the info and go to the ER. I woke up in ICU to the beautiful feeling of morphine being injected in my arm, but otherwise feeling like someone had parked a Cooper Mini on me. Three days in hospital, and a few weeks before I could sleep on my side again. 0/10, would not recommend.

So, men: the most important advice I can give you from this experience is kill that toxic masculinity fucker in your head and throw him aside. If I had felt my balls threatened because I couldn't accept that my symptoms weren't all GUY symptoms, then I would be dead (or, rather, still dead, as they broke my ribs and shocked me back into this plane of existence).

[Related: I now can honestly quote one of my favorite Spock lines, in times of trouble: "I've been dead before." It always gives me a kick.]


Adding an Olfactory Dimension To Games 108

cylonlover writes "California-based company Scent Sciences is looking to bring an olfactory dimension to computer games with its ScentScape personal digital scent delivery system. The ScentScape Gaming Suite system consists of a unit that plugs into a PC or gaming console via USB and generates smells using scent cartridges. As well as aiming for the development of ScentScape-capable games from games developers, the system also allows gamers to add scents to existing games and share these with other ScentScape system users."

Comment Re:Video (Score 1) 1671

"I was waiting for someone speak out against all this liberal drivel..."

What a way to begin...

And you've shown where you stand on the political spectrum.

Where? Centrally and with open eyes and mind?

"War sucks. Period. The problem we have here, is terrorist scum hiding amongst the population and using them as shields."

No, the problem we have here is a helicopter GUNSHIP, manned by soldiers eager to kill, taking on civilians. At best, they might have been taking on a rag-tag group of ne'er-do-wells. But, really, what does a gunship have to fear from AKs?

Really, are you that dense? That gunship is protecting American lives on ground. Do you want our troops patrolling that part of the city, knowing that there are armed enemy combatants in the area? Or do you want more combat casualties because our people walked somewhere, where we had the ability to act and save those troops?

Not really all that dense, but thanks for asking.

Assuming your argument is true (troops on ground, heli protecting), it would seem the logical thing to do is get confirmation from those troops on the ground. I assume there are better ways to do this on the ground than from a moving platform, especially if you want accurate information. I assume, further, it would include heli crew calling down to WARN the ground troops, who would reconnoiter and report back. Your question proposes a false choice.

"You still want to blame them for making the wrong call that ultimately is trying to save Iraqi and American lives?"

Yes. Who else do you blame for making the wrong call? Santa Claus? Lenin? No, you blame the eager beavers begging that they be allowed to shoot, and who then have a chuckle in the process. If they were indeed trying to save lives, I think, as the kids would say, they were "Full of fail."

Again, you're missing it. After careful scrutiny of the video after the fact, coupled with on the scene intelligence, it becomes more clear that those that died should have not. From the air, in a combat zone, it most certainly looks like an RPG on that street corner, and you have people congregating in a combat zone with things slung over their shoulders. So, should our soldiers let those guys walk, in a combat zone, carrying possible weapons, and let them ambush one of our troop convoys?

"Once again, war sucks, and mistakes get made. Its easy to judge when you're here on American soil in your damn easy-chair."

As you have shown.

Be glad we took the fight overseas. God forbid terrorists do anything in your city that causes you to get out of that chair.

No chair here, but thanks for remote viewing anyhow.

Oh, and, by the way, dickwit, NO IRAQIS WERE INVOLVED IN 9/11, and no amount of spinning from Fox, newsmax, etc., etc., ad nauseum, will change that. I assume those are your info sources.

Of course, I could be wrong. That is where we differ, I guess.

Comment Re:Video (Score 3, Insightful) 1671

"I was waiting for someone speak out against all this liberal drivel..."

What a way to begin...

"War sucks. Period. The problem we have here, is terrorist scum hiding amongst the population and using them as shields."

No, the problem we have here is a helicopter GUNSHIP, manned by soldiers eager to kill, taking on civilians. At best, they might have been taking on a rag-tag group of ne'er-do-wells. But, really, what does a gunship have to fear from AKs?

"I am proud of the soldiers we have in our armed forces. Would you be willing to do what they do, for the pay they receive, the time away from your family, and the thanks they get from our newspapers and the public? Sounds like a suck job now doesn't it?"

To be honest, they weren't drafted, and their reasons for choosing such a line of work is beyond the magisteria of most people back home. It seems, however, that you are countering the "liberal drivel" with "conservative drivel." Fair and balanced, I guess: accuse those critical of a wartime clusterfuck of not being sufficiently proud of the troops.

"You still want to blame them for making the wrong call that ultimately is trying to save Iraqi and American lives?"

Yes. Who else do you blame for making the wrong call? Santa Claus? Lenin? No, you blame the eager beavers begging that they be allowed to shoot, and who then have a chuckle in the process. If they were indeed trying to save lives, I think, as the kids would say, they were "Full of fail."

"I'm not even sure I really blame the military for trying to cover this up"

Yeah, cuz at home, they don't have a helicopter-fucking-gunship to defend (HA!) themselves.

"...reading the reactions of MOST of the slashdot crowd, it was best for them to cover this up and hope it never got out, because everyone is yelling about how savage and murderous our soldiers are."

No, they are yelling about how savage and murderous THESE PARTICULAR SOLDIERS were, and how the Iraq War was a masterful piece of clusterfuckery from the very beginning. And why is this best covered up? To protect people who fucked up? To project a false image of a clean war? To protect the archetype of the honorable soldier?

"Once again, war sucks, and mistakes get made. Its easy to judge when you're here on American soil in your damn easy-chair."

As you have shown.

Comment Need it be commercialized? (Score 1, Interesting) 134

First, I am not a biochemist, so don't flog me too harshly if I grossly overlook important elements of this biofuel process...

That said, need the process be commercialized? From what I can gather, having followed this a bit, is that they are looking for ways to mass-produce fuel from algae. Is 'microbrewing' not possible, or is it just not profitable for energy companies?

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