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Comment Geothermal time, people! (Score 2, Funny) 877

Seriously, dedicate a portion of the land towards geothermal power. Any good cook, and any good engineer will tell you that when you want to keep heat under control, you reroute it elsewhere. Build some geothermal plants on the spot, you know how deep the magma is, then building vent/transfer systems around the caldera will in fact cool it down to prevent an eruption, AND you can sell the electricity generated for, well, generations.

Sheiss, it's so simple, should I really be the one suggesting this? I'm a high school dropout (intellectual as I am), and it's really that obvious.

Comment Re:Bye bye Linux (Score 1) 898

Sure, all they need to do is show a slot machine, showing that if you use 3 7s, you win, if not, you're screwed and lose all your money. Apple would LOVE that "Windows is a Gamble" opening.

BTW Steve Jobs, you now owe me $5,000 for that idea, large bills please.

Comment Re:Simpsons Movie (Score 1) 612

Here's where you get into that tricky logic loop. Under most state laws nowadays, it's possible to prosecute minors as adults in many cases, including this one. YET they took pictures of themselves AS minors. So in that case, doesn't the fact they're being prosecuted AS adults mean that no crime actually took place? If they were taking pictures of other teenages, then yes, it would be a criminal act, no question. But if they're taking pictures of themselves, then it shouldn't count.

It's like arresting the corpse of someone who committed suicide on second degree murder charges.

Comment While distributing the blame... (Score 1) 540

Why not go after the oil industry (and Bush by proxy)? I'm pretty sure their economists are just as good (or in this case, bad) as any others.

Realestate bubble about to burst? Check.

Businesses laying off people in the tens of thousands? Check.

Irresponsible failed oil baron wannabe in charge who writes blank checks for his buddies? Check.

I know, lets raise diesel and gas prices to around $5! That'll work!

One of my favorite conspiracy theories (my own, your own may vary) is that the reason they've been building all those megastructures in Dubai, is because like Michael Jackson and Halliburton, all the other ethical criminals are going to cash out and move there.

I'm sorry to say they're probably proving me right. And I'm tired of being right most of the time.

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