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Comment Re:yet another solar tech not available to the pub (Score 1) 237

first, google gdp vs stock market.

Then google stock market returns.

Then google doubling time of money.

Then google stock market returns in the last 12 months.

While the economy may not be super strong, the stock market has been doing quote well recently. 14% for the S&P 500 the past 12 months. At 10%/yr you will make over 400% on your investment in 25 years.

Comment Re:Scary Charges (Score 1) 282

This is why companies (and I'm sure Verizon does) have ethics training that employees must complete as part of our employment with our companies. This is the exact situation they do this for. They show that they trained the employees not to do crap like this, so that when an idiot employee does, they are less, or not, liable.

Comment Not enough time? (Score 3, Insightful) 91

You don't have time to follow sports, but you have time to model "information from 5242 games played during the 2011-2012 season".

You could be honest and just say you don't really care, but get involved in the playoffs because everyone else is talking about it.

I'm guessing your level 80 warlock probably doesn't 'have time' either. :)

Comment Re:The task manager is definitely the best feature (Score 1) 534

If they can't understand a sorted listview with the process names and information organized in columns, how the hell is nesting the processes in a treeview going to make it any easier for them to understand?

So should all our filemanagers look like this?

Filename Parent Directory GrandParent Directory
test.exe \test c:\

or is the nested model that explorer, nautilus and most other filemanagers use more intuitive and easier to understand? I mean it's just a sorted listbox - why not use it for everything?


Input Devices

Microsoft Kinect With World of Warcraft 80

An anonymous reader writes "Researchers at the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies have developed software that enables control of PC video games using the Microsoft Kinect sensor. Their toolkit, known as the Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit (FAAST), emulates custom-configured keyboard controls triggered by body posture and specific gestures. This video shows a user playing the online game World of Warcraft using the Kinect. Potential applications of this technology include video games for motor rehabilitation after stroke and reducing childhood obesity through healthy gaming."

Underwear Invention Protects Privacy At Airport 325

Thanks to Jeff Buske you don't have to be embarrassed while going through the full body scanners at the airport. Buske has invented radiation shielding underwear for the shy traveler. From the article: "Jeff Buske says his invention uses a powdered metal that protects people's privacy when undergoing medical or security screenings. Buske of Las Vegas, Nev.-Rocky Flats Gear says the underwear's inserts are thin and conform to the body's contours, making it difficult to hide anything beneath them. The mix of tungsten and other metals do not set off metal detectors."

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