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Comment Re:Fuck South Park Forever. (Score 1) 57

It's ok, dear friend. We all suffered great losses at the hands of Manbearpig. My wife, as well as our toy poodle, will never be the same after what he did. Every day I wake up in fear knowing that Manbearpig still walks this earth. Fear not however, Elon Musk is working on some robots to stop him, so keep buying those Teslas and hope for the best.

Comment Re: ECB and the social benefits of QE (Score 1) 276

As a payment network, a properly designed decentralized crypto network will have extremely low fees, zero downtime, and no ability for some centralized entity to increase fees for profit.

But the biggest benefit eventually would be that we could live in a world where governments cannot dilute our money supply and redistribute our wealth as they please. Their fiat money printing is a hidden tax on everyone, one which is not progressively applied in a way that combats our massive wealth inequality problems.

Comment Re: Well at least someone gets it (Score 1) 276

It's almost as if these people like that governments impose a hidden tax on us in the form of money printing. Then with policies which have the effect of redistributing those ill-gotten gains to corporations and elites, it's no wonder the rich keep getting richer.

Crypto is a brilliant way to help achieve the same leveling of the playing field which progressive taxes can also help with. But it will need to have low transaction fees, be environmentally friendly, and be accepted in most places as payment. The good news is, that seems to be where things are slowly heading.

Comment Re:Japan? Tokyo? (Score 1) 103

Having lived in both places, I am certain that the average person in Tokyo uses and disposes of way more plastic per day than people I knew in the US.

TFA seems to be saying that if that plastic gets recycled or disposed of "properly" rather than shipped to China for disposal, then it doesn't count as waste?

The fact of the matter is, while Japan does recycle PET plastics, all other plastics are burned, even those collected in the "recycle bin". This study must not be counting any of that as waste.

Comment Re:The media companies' reactions are telling (Score 1) 52

Exactly. The links are mutually beneficial for all companies involved, and the news sites make their profits from ads and subscriptions on their own sites. Why they feel they should get a cut of the other guys' business simply because they are partnered in the form of links makes no sense when it's obvious who is helping who more. If FB and Google weren't rolling in so much cash to begin with, they'd probably even be able to negotiate a cut of the news site's profits for themselves.

Comment Re: Never Buy Apple (Score 1) 326

"They don't have to keep letting you download it in the future."

Correct, unless they also offer free "cloud storage" (iCloud). At that point they are deceiving customers into thinking it operates just like every other cloud storage service out there, none of which do this. But iCloud is not actually true cloud storage in the traditional sense.

Comment Re: Never Buy Apple (Score 1) 326

Sorry for replying twice, but this assertion needs addressing as well:
"When the movie companies change their contracts on Apple, this is what happens."

Yet somehow other cloud storage services like Google seem to never have this problem. Seems only Apple signed a contract with the movie companies to promise to screw their cloud customers over if need be.

Comment Re: Never Buy Apple (Score 1) 326

The way I see it, Apple is being extremely dishonest by branding this "ability to redownload them onto other devices and at a later time" as "Cloud Storage". Cloud Storage to most people means a place to store one's personal files online, such that they can later retrieve them, period. Most iCloud users I know don't keep physical backups and assume everything is retrievable even if their Apple devices are lost.

I have avoided Apple like the plauge for years for precisely these kind of shady business practices. I am shocked that /. has devolved to the point that the majority here would defend this chicanery.

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