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Comment re: That could be anywhere, including his backyard (Score 3, Informative) 30

The pressure inside of a water-tight trailer at sea-level is 1 bar. The Aquarius is at "environmental" pressure, meaning 2.8b when you're 18m below sea-level. This means they will experience the same effects of pressure as a scuba diver but on a much longer period.

So yes, this would be a family record for saturation diving (see older thread).

Comment re:Loyalty (Score 1) 282

"but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire... ".

Comment Re:As soon as you can start your own business (Score 1) 282

Computers are an old hobby/major interest but my main business is event organization/production. Some DMX, PLC's, Vellemancards, 3DMax involved for light-shows, robotics or projections and such but not much beyond that (and I hardly even do that myself anymore).

There have been times (since the start of my own business in 1989) that I've had a salary, due to sudden lack of funds, inspiration or motivation, but usually not for very long.

(Ja ik ben Nederlands)

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