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Comment Re:You don't get it yet, do you? (Score 1) 82

Nobody is a terrorist. Terrorism is a tactic. It's like calling the Nazis "Blitzkriegers" or the WW II Americans "Island hoppers" (or "Nukers" if you will). States/Organizations/People use terror as a tool to reach their objective. Terror is not the objective. Using such a blanket term is, in my opinion, just a sign of intellectual laziness and will bring us no closer to solutions. It leads to a lack of understanding of the base motivation for conflict.

Comment Basic. (Score 1) 261

Question:"I would like to ask you some questions".
Answer:"Feel free to ask me anything you like".
Question one: "....".
Answer: "You can speak to my lawyer about that".
Question two:".....".
Answer:"You can speak to my lawyer about that".
Statement: "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Mr. E/ Mrs.X".
Answer: "Yes".

Goto 10.

Comment Re:As an organiser of events. (Score 2) 469

If I have six thousand people coming in over a two hour period any second I can shave of the interaction between guest and staff is money. As long as its voluntary (opt-in) I see no problem with an age-identifier glasses-ap (gAge, I like it) instead of carding people. Of course legislation would have to be made. And I think it could actually be a data-point used in court, if the data is retained. Maybe the guest wore a fake gAge e-dentifier?

Comment Re:As an organiser of events. (Score 3, Interesting) 469

If it clearly says on the tickets and a sign by the entrance (for instance) "No video/audio recordings" or some such, you are of course free to attempt to circumvent our request. We are of course free to remove your ass from the premise if we catch you ; ). As an addendum I would personally do everything to avoid harming a visitor or his / her belongings, but some security or even artists or fellow guests might take offence, so it's also for your own protection that I would discourage it.

Comment Re:Time to sell List of CEOs home addresses (Score 1) 168

"Someone else is (has it?)worse" is a really horrible argument against social inequality? With ~two billion people living of off 2 dollars a day or less, with no chance of any meaningful education or healthcare, I believe it to be a rather strong argument. Global is local, it's a tiny planet in my opinion as member of the galactic elite : ).

Apropos world military expenditure in 2012 totalled $1753 billion, around 2.5% of world GDP.

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