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Comment Re:As a former employee... (Score 1) 74

All built and supported by one of the most predatory firms in the UK, affectionately known as Twatos.

Don't worry. They're just as bad in many other european countries too.

Terry Gilliam must be laughing in his grave.

Fortunately for him, Terry Gilliam appears to be still alive. Terribly selfish that, not dying on you just so that you could lazily use a cliché like that.

Comment Re:What's so American (Score 1) 531

Net neutrality isn't about what tier of service you have. It is about ensuring that you aren't getting purposefully manipulated speed for the tier you have.

Technically, it's about ensuring that you get what you think you have paid for and ensuring that you can use what you have paid for for whatever you want to. These things are absolutely fundamental to a free market even being possible.

Comment why sue the execs? (Score 1) 212

Can anyone explain why Oregon is suing six executives as well as the company itself? Normally in such commercial litigation it is only the company that is liable, not individual employees, and if Oregon thinks that the executives went beyond the pale, you'd expect criminal charges. Furthermore, the executives presumably don't have enough assets to contribute substantially to the damages sought. So why are the executives defendants?

Comment Re:Time to build a cruise missile and send it over (Score 2) 134

I did and they have another hostage ready to chop his head off.

The way to deal with these people is to ignore whether they have the second hostage (assume he's already dead, even if that's technically premature) and to bomb the area, preferably with something like white phosphorous incendiaries. It also needs to be done soon, because people regard such actions less favourably when it is longer from the event which the punishment is being meted out for. Make it very clear that once someone starts killing hostages, reprisals will come. If you don't, the next damn terrorist group will think they can get away with this sort of thing too; you're not protecting those already captured, you're protecting everyone else.

It's a shame, but being this nasty is the only way of hammering home to idiots that fucking with is a seriously bad idea (unless you can act with more precision and kill just the terrorists). And it does work: it's been proved to work over and over throughout history. It probably needs to be accompanied with a full apology to any innocents caught up in the crossfire to mitigate incidental downstream trouble.

Comment Re:Expert?? (Score 1) 442

Gravitational potential energy cannot be used as an energy source.

But you can use it to store energy, and this has indeed been done and it is an important part of how the Grid works. Look up pumped storage hydroelectricity some time.

Comment Re: Self Serving Story? (Score 1) 267

Really ? you are kidding right ? It's clearly not backed by gold anymore. So what's it backed by ?

It's backed by the fact that the government can shoot people until everyone agrees that it is valid. We could beat around the bush a lot more, but the threat of force (together with the ability to pay taxes that follows from that) is a key thing in making a currency valid.

Comment Re:Yes, no, maybe, potato salad (Score 1) 294

There is no table, that I know of, that lists all the features versus all the paradigms versus all the languages.

That would be a very large table indeed, as there are a lot of critical nuances and a lot of languages (even if we exclude the ones without the ability to do a useful subset of all system calls).

Comment The rules are already out (Score 2) 19

You must disclose any breach at least 90 days prior to discovery or 60 days prior to its occurrence, whichever comes first. Any breach occurring without advance notification will be dealt with severely.

You must disclose all breaches on Form 27B/6. The form is secret and you do not have access to it.

Access to your system by any person on the 'no access list' will be considered a breach. The identity of persons on the 'no access list' is secret, and the Government will not inform you of whether any given person is or is not on it.

Knowing of any breach makes a person a 'high risk' individual. 'High risk' individuals shall be added to the 'no access list.'

The Government reserves the right to access your system at any time without notification. Allowing anyone, including the Government, access without advance approval is a security breach.

These rules themselves are secret and you do not have access to them.

Thank you for your cooperation, Citizen.

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