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Comment Re:Well, I Owe My Friend an Apology (Score 1) 278

I actually just recently had some rodents- either mice or chipmunks- chew up the brand new wiring I had just replaced in my trailer. I was less than thrilled.

I wasn't sure if they were attracted to it for bedding material, could "smell" the copper inside, or what. I guess this makes a whole lot more sense. On top of the gaping holes in the wiring, when it shorted out it blew a bulb or two making troubleshooting all the more painful after I traced and patched the wiring. I thought I had more breaches, but it was just a dang 'ole bulb. ;-)

I am going two factor now- I have declared war on the rodents and I'm armoring my trailer wiring.

Comment Re:Why does the submitter see this as a bad thing? (Score 5, Insightful) 429

Exactly- phrased differently- "A vulnerability actively being exploited in the wild was patched".

Granted, some of those actively exploiting it were the owners of the devices... but hey. You seriously don't know if it was being exploited by others for financial gain. If they were that good, you'd never know. I'm all for patching the vuln.

Comment Re:Yeah right. (Score 1) 208

Thank you. I read that and did a double take. I thought we were moving towards sandboxing the heck out of these things to keep them from accessing *stuff*.

I suppose it depends on how it's implemented, and I will admit I have read precisely _nothing_ on it.

But we all know how these things have historically played out... bleh.

Comment DEC Alpha Personal Workstation 500a (Score 1) 543

I use an Alpha running Debian 5 under my desk. I think it was new in 1997? And quite expensive. I put all my SCSI disks into it and it's my SSH/file server. I also use it for other random things like TFTP and a quick HTTP server in a pinch. I recently did a Kerberos case study for a customer on it. Not so much for anything to do with compiling, but it's still running nicely otherwise. It was a science project to upgrade the RAM from eBAY considering it only had 32MB of RAM when I acquired it from my cousin (who is also a hardware aficionado and ran many a project off it for years). I got it up to 512MB after lots of research, tweaking and trial and error. Most of the guys at work still give me lots of crap about the dinosaur under my desk but a few of them give a nod to the good 'ol days. I just can't let it go.

Comment Re:Very true here, but consider the place (Score 1) 559

there is no way of telling if an AP is open due to unintended negligence

I would actually argue that the negligence is explicitly implied.

What if the unintended negligence is both coming and going? A less technical user has an open Linksys at home, and brings their laptop somewhere and automagically joins this other open Linksys? Now you can blame both, or neither- or maybe the user with the laptop twice over since they are to blame both and home and on the road... ;-)

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