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Comment Bad news, if ATT is anything to go by... (Score 1) 122

ATT did a similar thing in the US. They started out promising FTTP, and I believe, received govt. $$$ (from the Uniform Subscriber Fee). Over the years, they down-graded it to FTTN, and now are merely converting their copper lines to IP-based (still called U-Verse). The bad news is that their FTTN (and of course all-copper) has much less bandwidth than the cable company's coax networks. Don't you guys have coax cable over there?

Comment Re:Obama (Score 1) 425

You're confounding the auto industry bailout with the financial industry bailout, probably intentionally. Since the argument here is whether the estimated savings from bailing out the auto industry were worth the price, the amount of the financial industry bailout isn't relevant.

You seem to be implying that the amount spent in the financial industry bailout was completely wasted, but don't provide any supporting argument. And I also read somewhere that most of the financial industry bailout was not spent in the conventional sense, but was guarantees, but since you're just making some offhand argument, I won't bother digging that up.

Comment Re:Human Spirit (Score 1) 92

Human spirit? OK. What about NASA spirit? You know, man on the moon, Pioneer going wherever the hell it is going, and things of that scale? I mean, I understand budgets, and maybe this is one experiment of 1000 in its mission, but a self-sustaining bio-dome, with solar-powered robots tending to it, plants, arthropods; some way to bootstrap living conditions, and then solar and recycling to maintain it - that'd be more like it.

Comment Should we all talk? (Score 2) 55

MAVEN's going to arrive around the same time as Mangalyaan, assuming both do arrive. The arrival rate at Mars is pretty low (with NASA having the best one, 70%). It's going to study the upper atmosphere, just as Mangalyaan plans to. This cost NASA $670 M, at a time when Congress is cutting everything like it (Comments about republicans and science withheld - Editor).

I really hope these guys talk. I understand descriptions in popular media blur the details, but there seems to be a lot over overlap here.

Comment Re: NOT posted as AC. (Score 1, Informative) 603

There was never any doubt the gun nuts and anti-government types (= all of /.?) would be all over this one, but c'mon, at least use an analogy that fits. The TSA union wants armed guards to protect itself from nutsos with guns. Just like the TSA protects us from having to face people with weapons on planes. It is quite consistent.

IMO, they should use local police. No need to bloat the payroll ad nauseum.

Comment Re:How Safe Is Cycling? (Score 1) 947

Stop signs work equally well for cyclists and drivers. How many cyclists stop at a stop sign? I for one, don't, unless there's contention (motor vehicles at the stop sign); usually motorists wave cyclists across.

If you're going to get all technical about cyclists being legal users, then they break the law a lot.

Comment Re:Please (Score 1) 947

There are so many angles involved (windshield rake, glancing angle of impact, trajectory angle of body center of mass) and other variables, that it seems likely that there will be twisting force on the neck. Which a helmet doesn't do anything about (moreover, it may increase this by increasing the radius, hence torque) and acting as a smooth surface that will deflect off another smooth surface.

Comment Re:This is not at all a mildly revamped G2 (Score 1) 177

I hope it isn't a mildly revamped G2! The G@ has a below-average loudspeaker, and call me odd, but I consider a loud speaker to be essential in a phone. I find most reviews of smartphones useless, because they spend over half the time on the camera, software features, plastic vs metal, etc. and maybe one if that, on call quality, and except for 1 or 2 publications, never bother to put a sound meter near the thing. FYI, GSMArena, for one, actually measure the volume.

Comment Re:Defund Obamacare. (Score 3, Informative) 233

You do know that Social Security is completely paid for, has always been, through the soc sec trust fund (simplifying here)? The government borrows from social security! Not is it not " financially unfeasible" as you seem to think, but is't been (very) solvent for over 60 years, and with some relatively small adjustments, will be that way for ever.

But I read the rest of your nonsense, and it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't know this.

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