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Comment Re:Oligopolies usually suck (Score 3, Insightful) 88

Somebody please provide ONE case of a merger making a bad company better.

Apple bought Next. The next decade and a half was pretty awesome for the computer industry, and no one can deny Apple's (Next's) role in that.

And in general, these mergers should be allowed. I also think Comcast / TWC should not have to release any territory as a stipulation for approval.

What should be stipulated is the removal of any "anti-competitive" agreements these companies have with various municipalities restricting competition in the local broadband market. If you want great service, make the providers compete for your business, and empower consumers with choice!

Comment Re:Move to a gated community (Score 4, Insightful) 611

Kinda depends on what/who was there first

No it doesn't. The freeway and the side-streets are public spaces, and no one living on a public street has a right to demand that anyone else not use it as they like, so long as they follow the laws of the road. If you want a private street with no traffic, live in a private neighborhood (gated community), where the builders do spread the community cost among the homeowners. The roads were paid for by taxes collected from everyone. Your taxes don't pay for the roads directly in front of your house, and therefore you have (and rightly so) no right to dictates who can use it. Most of the road-work money comes from gasoline taxes, so its fair game.

Comment Re: Go California! (Score -1) 139

Consumers are pretty good at protecting themselves. When bad things happen because of a service, public perception, courts, and consumer propensity to spend on the best value proposition will protect the consumer. There is no free market failure here, why do we need government to come in and regulate this? If party A and party B agree to a service, government only need to step in when a third party not subject to the transaction is harmed by the transaction. A lack of business due to competition is not a harm, it's the consumer exercising their liberty. Government sanctioned taxi services has lead to the artificially high prices for taxis, and kept demand low. There's a government failure here, let the free market fix it. Adam Mith's invisible hand works wonders, it will fix this too.

Comment Re:American wastefulness at its finest (Score 1, Insightful) 143

As soon as you get off the internet, turn off your air conditioner, hang up your telephone, and adjust your diet to compensate for the lack of food on your table, all provided by the ingenuity of America, you ungrateful POS. Wherever you are from, it doesn't matter, it hasn't been as productive, efficient, or as innovative as here in America

Comment Re:Consent of the Governed (Score 4, Informative) 165

...certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it ... End of story. There can be no action taken by a government on behalf of its people argued to be for its people, yet conceal that action from its people in the name of its people. It's oxymoronic.

need to keep some things secret

Need to keep things secret? Who decides what is needed to be kept secret? Patriots? Those who stand with liberty and freedom certainly don't.

Comment Re:Police legal authority (Score 1) 165

I know, the stingray is essentially a hacking tool. That makes you think though, why on earth is there a large wireless network carrying sensitive data without TLS (transport layer security), or encryption between the modem on the phone, and the carrier? Either the contents are not sensitive, or the carriers / cell phone manufactures are complicit or worse.. incompetent.

Comment Re:Police legal authority (Score 1) 165

If the police do not have a warrant, then you can refuse to give the police information. Like an individual can plead the 5th, and remain silent, short of a court order, so can a corporation. Verizon / AT&T do not have to hand over anything without a warrant or law saying they have to. But the question is, how much money do they get for cooperating? How much does the government spend on telecom services, and how much grant money is spent on the telecom industry? They are incentivized to cooperate.

Comment Re:Abrupt, but like 100 years abrupt? (Score 1) 132

CaptainDork isn't implying anything. S/he says it's okay to attack the character of an individual who is skeptical of the facts, not beliefs.

Right but his sentence could be read another way (or so it did when I first read it).

Can he do that by practicing illegal discrimination? If you bothered to read the Slate article linked by CaptainDork, you'd see that Ken Ham is engaging in just that.

It is illegal, so he can't. But then, I wasn't commenting on how he builds his park, or who he hires to build it. Only whatever he wants. (so long as it passes building codes, but then again, I was really stating my principles not what is legally possible.

That's the point. Again, read the Slate article linked by CaptainDork. And if you're too lazy to do that, then here you go:

Thanks for that. But no, I did read the article. I just don't agree with Ken Ham spending public funds to build something based on his beliefs, and not our collective scientific knowledge. I don't think the government has any place paying for the support of ANYONE's beliefs, including Ken Hams. I know the article was stating that Kentucky did so, and I'm glad I am not from Kentucky. Again, I was really stating what I think is right:

I just don't want him influencing public policy or spending public funds on projects that are not based on science.

Comment Re:How did they ID the part? (Score 1) 94


So what are the odds that a white woman of earharts build, along with western womans shoe, and a sextent would be found on an island a few hundred miles from where earhart went missing and a piece of aluminum that would fit the window of her plane?

Pretty high if you sight the same group as the source but you left out some crucial details:

"We know that in 1940 British Colonial Service officer Gerald Gallagher recovered a partial skeleton of a castaway on Nikumaroro. Unfortunately, those bones have now been lost," Gillespie said.

So how are you so sure that it was her body? There is no positive ID. Don't feed me the old "well who else could it have been?" line. There is no positive ID. If you had the bones and could do DNA testing with someone who is a relative, that would be a verifiable positive ID.

In both your sources (this article's source and the Discovery News articles you mention, the same group has made both claims. Its not like they are financially invested in finding her or anything.

For years, Richard Gillespie, TIGHAR's executive director and author of the book "Finding Amelia," and his crew have been searching the Nikumaroro island for evidence of Earhart ... According to Gillespie, who is set to embark on a new $500,000 Nikumaroro expedition next summer, the two became castaways and eventually died there.


Comment Re: And so therefor it follows and I quote (Score 1) 353

Just because something is licensed for a "0" cost, doesn't mean its necessarily free of restrictions. Pandora has free radio, and I assure you, you can not (legally) rip the songs off of it and redistribute them on a website, for example. Free != open source GPLed. It just means no money need change hands for the license.

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